Hello friend of the hive, it is a pleasure to be able to greet you on this new opportunity. I hope you are well and have had a happy and blessed day. Today has been a very important day for me since I was present at the defense of my nephew's thesis to obtain his degree as a Civil Engineer. His presentation was very good since it was based on everything he experienced in the field of work.
Hola amigo de la colmena es un placer poder saludarles en esta nueva oportunidad espero se encuentren bien y hayan tenido un feliz y bendecido dia , hoy a sido un dia muy importante para ya que estuve presente en la defensa del trabajo de grado de mi sobrino para poder obtener su titulo a Ingeniero Civil , su esxposion fue buen buena ya que se baso en todo lo que vivio en el campo de trabajo
preparation for the exhibition//preparativo para la exposion
As expected, at the beginning it was quite complicated since the nerves were quite strong, he ordered the arrangements to be made for the jury and I, his friends and mother helped arrange everything.
Como era de esperarse al principio fue bastante complicado ya que los nervios estaban bastante fuerte, el mando a realizar arreglos para las jurado y yo con sus amigos y madre ayudamos arreglar todo
Defensa de su trabajo
De grado
His presentation was incredible, the problem statement, objectives, quotes, he explained each of the difficulties and how he solved them. One day I felt proud to be able to give my parents the satisfaction of being able to give them my university degree. Today I feel proud to see how their work and effort has borne fruit, and I wish them a career full of many successes.
su exposicion estuvo increible , planteamiento del problema , objetivos , citas explico cada una de las dicultades y como soluciono , un dia senti el orgullo de poder darle la satisfaccion a mis padres de poder entregarle mi titulo universatario , hoy sentir el orgullo de ver como su trabajo y su esfuerzo a dado frutos , y deseo una carrera llena de muchos exitos