[Eng-Esp] Delicious pepper stuffed with meat and cheese//Delicioso pimento relleno de carne y queso

in GEMS2 months ago
Hello friends of the hive, it is a pleasure to greet you on this new occasion, I hope you are well, happy start of the week to everyone today I want to present this delicious paprika stuffed with meat and cheese I hope you like it, a delicious and easy to prepare here I leave you the recipe
Hola amigos de la colmena es un placer saludarles en esta nueva oportunidad , espero se encuentren bien , feliz inicio de semana para todos hoy quiero presentarles este delicioso pimenton relleno de carne y queso espero les guste , una rico y facil de preparar aqui les dejo la receta


      Used materials//materiales utilizados 
*paprika *ground beef *vegetables *cheese
*pimenton *carne molida *vegetales *queso


The first step is to season and cook the meat, then I chop the vegetables and take it to the kitchen. Once it is ready, I add it to the blender to process, when it has the cooking that I want I add it to a pan along with the meat and let it cook.
El primer paso es condimentar y cocinar la carne , luego pico los vegetales y lo llevo a cocinat una vez este listo , lo agrego a la licuadora a procesar , cuando tengan la coccion que deseo lo agrego a una sarte junto con la carne y dejo cocinar


Then I remove a part of the paprika and add the meat and cheese. Then I apply the cheese and put it in the oven to cook.
luego le quito una parte al pimenton y le agrego la carne y el queso luego le aplico le queso y lo llevo al horno a cocinar


Once it is ready it looks like this:
Una vez este listo queda de la siguiente forma



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It is only delicious but also looks amazing and you have done a great job in making it