[Eng-Esp] Delicious beef ribs in sweet sauce//Deliciosa costillas de res en salsa dulce

in GEMS2 months ago
Hello friends of the hive, it is a pleasure to greet you today, I hope your day has been full of blessings, in this new opportunity I am going to present you this delicious recipe for beef ribs in sweet sauce and potatoes, I hope you like it.
Hola amigos de la colmena es un placer saludarles el dia de hoy, espero su dia haya estado lleno de bendiciones en esta nueva oportunidad les voy a presentar esta deliciosa receta de costillas de res en salsa dulce y papas espero les guste


     Used materials//materiales utilizados 
*beef ribs *vegetables *potatoes *sugar
*costillas de res *vegetales *papas *azucar


The first step is to clean and remove the fat from the ribs, then I season them with garlic, garlic sauce, soy sauce, oregano and salt, then I stir now I chop the vegetables, onion, chives, paprika, tomato and place it on top
El primer paso es limpiar y quitarle la grasa a las costillas , luego las comdimento le coloco ajo , salsa de ajo , salsa de soya , oregano y sal , luego revuelvo ahora pico los vegetales , la cebolla , cebollin , pimenton , tomate y lo coloco en la parte de arriba


When it is ready for the next cooking, I add water, seasoning and then a little sugar to balance it so that it has a sweet touch but not too much, then I let it cook until it loosens, then I chop the potatoes and place them


Once they are cooked to the desired level, I serve them and they look like this:
una vez tengan la coccion que deseo lo sirvo y queda de la siguiente forma



It is only delicious but also wonderful and you have made it very well, so you can tell after tasting it.