Con mis dibujos expreso sentimientos, sensaciones y situaciones hasta inconscientemente....
un par de carpas llamadas Koi, en conjunto a una mano.... ¿Que significa?.... ¿Que representa?.
With my drawings I express feelings, sensations and situations even unconsciously .... a couple of carp called Koi, together with one hand .... What does it mean? .... What does it represent ?.
Dos almas, nunca similares.... con diferencias y defectos, que quizás tengan un camino diferente, una vida distinta aquí y en otro plano, pero quizás.... solo quizás están destinadas a estar juntas.... entrelazadas a través del tiempo, del espacio, donde sin importar cuantas galaxias, cuantos planos y cuantos años luz haya de por medio, coinciden y coincidirán siempre.....
Two souls, never similar ... with differences and flaws, that perhaps have a different path, a different life here and on another plane, but perhaps ... they are just perhaps destined to be together ... intertwined through of time, of space, where no matter how many galaxies, how many planes and how many light years there are in between, they coincide and will always coincide .....
Unidas y coincidiendo, una y otra vez.... quizás se hagan daño, quizás no, nadie sabe o puede saber que depara el futuro y todo el trayecto que estas dos almas deberán cruzar.
Y que cada una deberá trazar su camino.... pero sin importar cual sea su camino trazado ¿Coincidirán? . Si, si lo harán una y otra y otra y otra vez, porque están enlazadas compartiendo un vinculo mas grande que cualquier sistema solar.... que cualquier submundo atómico o galaxia conocida en esta existencia desconocida llamada vida.
United and coinciding, over and over again ... maybe they will hurt each other, maybe not, nobody knows or can know what the future holds and the whole journey that these two souls will have to cross.
And that each one must trace their path ... but no matter what their path may be, will they coincide? . Yes, they will do it over and over and over and over again, because they are linked, sharing a bond greater than any solar system ... than any known atomic underworld or galaxy in this unknown existence called life.
I hope you like the post and the illustration; that you are encouraged to comment on how it seemed to you, if you have any suggestions and I assure you that I will read them carefully
Nos vemos próximamente
See you soon