Hello my beautiful people of this community, I am happy to be here with all of you and that you can appreciate what I do for you with love, today I bring you a nice makeup, at first I saw it difficult but when I put it into practice it became very easy, and without more to say let's start.

Paso 1: Aplique una sombra marrón en mis cejas para rellenarlas un poco ya que soy una persona con poco pelitos, para así corregirlas con un corrector y aplicar en mi parpado un corrector ya sea de mi tono de piel o más blanco, comencé aplicando una sombra morada oscura, realice un punto y luego en ese punto lo fui difuminando a los lados con un sombra morada un poco más clara pero sin que el punto de borre.
Step 1: I applied a brown shadow on my eyebrows to fill them a little since I am a person with little hairs, in order to correct them with a concealer and apply on my eyelid a concealer either of my skin tone or whiter, I started applying a dark purple shadow, I made a dot and then in that point I was blurring it to the sides with a purple shadow a little lighter but without erasing the dot.

Paso 2: Luego comencé a difuminar es decir aplique una linea de sombra morada, una linea de sombra rosada para así con un corrector hacemos un corte abierto, luego aplico en donde realice el corte aplico una sombra dorada y un poco de sombra morada, y comienzo a preparar mi piel con con una base de mi tono, yo utilizo la de salome en el tono 2.
Step 2: Then I started to blur that is to say apply a line of purple shadow, a line of pink shadow so with a concealer we make an open cut, then I apply where I made the cut I apply a golden shadow and a little purple shadow, and I start to prepare my skin with a base of my tone, I use the one of salome in tone 2.

Paso 3: Para terminar con este maquillaje, selle la base con un polvo traslucido, rubor y iluminador para así aplicarme una mascara de pestañas y un labial, en este caso utilice un gloss.
Step 3: To finish with this makeup, I sealed the base with a translucent powder, blush and highlighter to apply a mascara and a lipstick, in this case I used a gloss.

This was the final result, I was delighted, a makeup that I found super nice and at first I tell you that I was nervous if I was going to be wrong, but I was wrong now you can see that it was very nice and easy, see you in a next blog.

Todas las fotos son de mi autoría.
All photos are by me.