ESP/ING La Babosa (Luz) en plastilina..💕 ~ La Babosa (Light) in plasticine..💕 by @anny05

in GEMS3 years ago



Saludos a todos, hoy les traigo una linda creación en plastilina realizada por un sobrino, me asombra ver cómo puede crear muchas figuras e imágenes con plastilina, moldear y usar su creatividad es un gran arte de admirar, en esta oportunidad creo el personaje de la babosa luz.
Greetings to all, today I bring you a beautiful creation in plasticine made by a nephew, it amazes me to see how he can create many figures and images with plasticine, molding and using his creativity is a great art to admire, this time I create the character of the light slug.

Anny 1.gif

El único material que utilizo fue plastilina con los siguientes colores: Blanco Rojo Negro
The only material I use was plasticine with the following colors: White Red Black
Comenzó por la plastilina blanca para crear la cabeza de la babosa que ya le comenté que se llama luz, luego tomó otra parte blanca y lo moldeo hasta obtener una firma cilíndrica que sería el cuerpo, y con pedacitos termino armando brazos, piernas y orejas.
He started with the white plasticine to create the head of the slug that I already mentioned is called light, then he took another white part and molded it until he obtained a cylindrical signature that would be the body, and with bits he ended up assembling arms, legs and ears.


Para los ojos combinó blanco con negro con forma redonda; y el rojo para la boca lo moldeo como si fuese un Gusanito y lo pego a la cara de la babosa para obtener una boca.
For the eyes he combined white with black with a round shape; and the red for the mouth I mold it as if it were a Little Worm and I glue it to the face of the slug to get a mouth.


Finalmente logró darle forma y obtener la babosa luz.
He finally managed to shape it and get the light slug.

Anny 1.gif

Este hermoso arte que hoy en día los niños se dedica es de admirar, poco a poco desarrollan grandes habilidades en esta área, quien quita que lleguen hacer grandes escultores, si con una plastilina logran tantas figuras imagínense en un futuro que podrán lograr. Mi sobrino realizó esta obra, espero los disfruten y le den su voto, agradecida siempre por su apoyo.👍
This beautiful art that children dedicate today is to be admired, little by little they develop great skills in this area, who prevents them from becoming great sculptors, if with a plasticine they achieve so many figures, imagine in the future that they will be able to achieve. My nephew made this work, I hope you enjoy it and give it your vote, always grateful for your support.



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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Que creativo es tu sobrino...💚
Dios lo bendiga..💚