Good evening, I send you a huge greeting, I hope you are in the best of spirits, today the last day of November to welcome tomorrow to the most beautiful month of the year, that implies thinking about the clothing for the premieres, the food that We enjoy this month and the toys of the Child Jesus for the smallest of the house, reason enough to go to a shopping center to take a look at everything that is in trend in terms of clothing.
Me dispuse a salir al Centro Comercial Hiper Galeria, a parte para distraerme un poco mirar la ropas para mis niños, empecé por buscar ropa adecuada para Luciano que cuenta con dos añitos, ropa comoda acordé para el, Ls ropa de bebé es la que más me gusta, se ve tan curiosa que quieres llevarte las todas jajajaj.
I got ready to go out to the Hiper Galeria Shopping Center, apart from looking for a little distraction to look at the clothes for my children, I started by looking for suitable clothes for Luciano who is two years old, comfortable clothes I agreed for him, baby clothes are the most I like it, it looks so curious that you want to take them all hahaha.
Entre a La zapatería Jump, variedad de zapatos damas, caballeros y niños, me encantaron unas botas que no sabía que color escoger porque todos me parecían lindos, me imaginaba a Luciano con unos asi al final no compre ninguno 😭
Enter Jump shoe store, a variety of shoes for women, men and children, I loved some boots that I did not know what color to choose because they all seemed cute to me, I imagined Luciano with some like that at the end I did not buy any 😭
Pensando en los regalos para el niño Jesús comencé a buscar que le gustaría a cada uno de mis niños, el más chiquito le encantan los carritos a la niña jugar con Barbie y el más grande juegos de consolas.
Thinking about the gifts for the child Jesus I began to look for what each of my children would like, the youngest one loves the little girl's carts to play with Barbie and the biggest console games.
Cómo me gustaría tener un saco de billetes para comprar de todo un poco jajaja.
How I would like to have a bag of bills to buy a little bit of everything hahaha.
Por los momentos opte por llevar una pieza para cada uno.
For the moment, choose to wear a piece for each one.

Me dirigí a la caja para cancelar lo que tome en esta tienda.
I went to the checkout to cancel what I take in this store.
Finalmente termino mi paseo de compras en el Centro Comercial Hiper Galeria, les confienzo que salí agotada de tanto caminar dar vueltas y mantenerme de pies, aunque también me rei mucho, esto es todo por hoy gracias por visitar mi blog nos seguimos viendo por este espacio, cuidense mucho.
Finally I finish my shopping trip at the Hiper Galeria Shopping Center, I confess that I left exhausted from so much walking, turning around and staying on my feet, although I also laughed a lot, this is all for today thank you for visiting my blog we continue to see each other in this space , Take care.