Life is funny but full of irony. Back then, I didn't have enough money to travel, there were no Covid cases like now. Then, when I already have enough money for traveling and have dared to travel solo, but in the end, I have not been able to realize my dream of traveling solo.
I've been wanting to do solo travel for a long time, at least to other Asian countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, or the Philippines. But now the situation is only getting worse. Even for the provincial city center here, access is closed until the specified time.
Well, in the end, there are always lessons to be learned from even the worst of circumstances. Conditions like this train our patience.
I am also thinking of allocating my vacation funds to invest in the crypto market. I'm considering powering up HIVE for curation or just trading. Both of them have their own risks.
What can be done when we postpone travel plans, besides making something creative? Investing in the passion that we have is also the best choice.
At least by working it can divert the desire to travel. It's kind of excruciating actually, but I know it won't kill. Just need a little more patience.
Stay strong, my friends.
This post is inspired by my daily life when I process many things. I wanted to take note of it all and maybe it's worth reading for you guys. Who knows. :)
Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.
Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari
Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.
Make sure you follow her blog as well for some interesting discussions about life other than food.
If you need a copywriter for your projects, Anggrek Lestari will be ready to help you.
Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009
Nice idea, by keeping your money on the crypto investment your traveling can still be happen
through the process of compounding your hive/power up for more curation you can still have enough for your traveling dreams to come through.
There is always a positive side to take from an incident. It's also interesting to see how you can still put money that will be used for traveling as a crypto investment.
I want to travelllllll
yes meeee toooo. next month want to be with youuu anyway
I remember on The Apprentice (when I liked some of Donald's wise words ;p)
It was the celebrity edition, and every week, their winnings would go to the Team Leader's charity of choice.
So, one time, the one of the team mates did not want to call his contacts or pull his weight because he was saving it for when he'd be Team Leader.
And he was called out of slacking and he got fired - and he never got the chance to be Team Leader and try and win something for his charity.
And made me think, there's no guarantee all that saving for another time in the future will necessarily happen.
So, I guess it is finding the balance :D
Oh, and if you ever come to Malaysia... KL... we gotta grab some ice-cream together k :D
My mother always said, buy or do whatever you want immediately while the money is still there. Your money is like a devil that comes and goes without you knowing lol.
I put you on my to-do list :)
Ahhhh, she is a very smart woman :D
And I look forward to it...
Travelling solo is one of my dreams too. I love watching travellers. On a bike would be even better. My personal hero is Noraly aka ItchyBoots on Youtube channel. She travells solo on a bike around the world. She is now in Namibia... A fantastic brave woman. I hope that you will manage to do that one day too!
Hola amiga @anggreklestari, definitivamente estás tomando una buena desicion en invertir acá en Hive, ya tienes tiempo haciéndolo y por que no enfocarte ahora aún más en estos momentos donde estamos maniatados a no poder salir y socializar por fuerzas mayores, y que pondría en riesgo tu salud, debes cuidarte mucho por favor, Hive sin tus escrituras no seria lo mismo y esto te lo digo con toda sinceridad.
Un enorme abrazo y que dios te de mucha salud para que un futuro a corto plazo puedas disfrutar del mundo y viajar para disfrutar de comidas y paisajes que tanto se que te gustan.
I like to travel so lo. (Im a freelancer, so it easy for me can work and earn money while traveling just with a laptop. )
Exploring the place by the way i would like to.
Some time it make some difference.
I think travel solo can help you more creative for writing. It helped me alot for my works and exploring myself.
Yes, I want to explore myself more ❤️