How to Make Natural Tomato Paste?

in GEMS5 years ago


Hello to everyone ,

Today, I wanted to share the answer to the question of how to make tomato paste in natural ways. We do not buy tomato paste from markets. We prepare our own tomato paste every year. I wanted to share with you step by step how we did this.



First of all, we buy tomatoes. About 200 kilos. We cut these tomatoes we bought in half with a knife as seen in the pictures.



The next day, we cut the tomatoes we cut in half through a mechanism. Thus, shells and unnecessary places are separated. It takes the form in the picture.



Then we start a fire and boil the tomatoes we put in the cauldrons. The boiling process takes about 8-10 hours. We are constantly stirring during this time.
When it starts to solidify a little, we add salt into it.



When it hardens, we take the cauldron off the fire and take it to another container to cool.


After lowering the cauldron, we can roast potatoes, eggplant and peppers in the embers of that fire. Even meat can be cooked on this fire.



We keep it in this way for about 6 hours. We pour the cooled tomato paste into the containers you see in the picture. As you see. Ready to use.


This is a very demanding job. It takes almost two days but I think it's worth it. I think it tastes more natural and better than tomato paste sold in markets.

Hope to see you in another post. I wish you all healthy days.
