Hola queridos hiveristas!!! || Hello dear hiveristas !!!
This time I want to share this initiative with you; created by @mariangeltarg who asks us to tell which are our three favorite artists. Those who with their lyrics transport you or accompany you in a moment of sadness or happiness in your life.
Es indescriptible poder conocerlos, la adrenalina de su conciertos, hace varios año tuve la oportunidad de asistir algunos de ellos. Estos tres artistas que escogí son los que me gustan mas, marcan con su música el sentir de la tierra y de la gente transmitiendo sus emociones.
It is indescribable to be able to meet them, the adrenaline of their concerts, several years ago I had the opportunity to attend some of them. These three artists that I chose are the ones that I like the most, they mark with their music the feeling of the land and of the people, transmitting their emotions.

Me transportan a mi niñez a esa etapa de cuando por las tardes veía la televisión una serie llamada de SOL A SOL, sus actores principales era Servando y Florentino desde esos días sigo enamorada de sus canciones, fui su fan enamorada, mi habitación forrada de sus afiches.
They transport me back to my childhood to that stage when in the afternoons I watched a series called SOL A SOL, its main actors were Servando and Florentino since those days I am still in love with his songs, I was his fan in love, my room lined with his posters.
Con este artista me conecto por la letras de sus canciones tan nacionalista, tuve hace varios años la oportunidad de acudir a su concierto en vivo en el teatro de mi ciudad, cada vez que lo recuerdo viene a la mente la compañía de un querido amigo que el día de hoy ya no nos acompaña y a quien de alguna manera le dedico esta parte de mis post pues a el también le encantaba su música.
I connect with this artist through the lyrics of his songs, so nationalistic, several years ago I had the opportunity to attend his live concert at the theater in my city, every time I remember him, the company of a dear friend comes to mind. Today he no longer accompanies us and to whom I somehow dedicate this part of my post because he also loved his music.
Y este artista me encantan la letras de sus canciones, siempre le canta al amor y sus trabajos siempre son realizado de manera familiar, mi canción favorita Vida de rico.
And this artist I love the lyrics of his songs, he always sings to love and his works are always done in a family way, my favorite song Rich life.
Espero y ustedes también se animen a contar cuales son sus tres artistas favoritos, esos a quienes siempre escuchan a los que le cantan al amor o al desamor, a la tierra, a la familia, sigan esta iniciativa que me encanto.
I hope and you also dare to tell which are your three favorite artists, those who always listen to those who sing about love or heartbreak, the earth, the family, follow this initiative that I love.
Gracias por leerme
Thanks for reading me
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