¡Hola HIVERS! Mi nombre es Ananda Padrón
¡Hi HIVERS! My name is Ananda Padrón

I am 23 years old and will soon be 24 on April 26.
Soy una venezolana emprendedora. Y tengo muchas labores, algunas de estas son, una pequeña venta de repuestos para bicicletas y una artesanal y también una pequeña fábrica de empacaduras automotrices, todo esto junto a mi esposo y mi mamá. Siempre teniendo en mente que dejarán de ser pequeñas para convertirse en grandes.
I am a Venezuelan entrepreneur.And I have many jobs, some of them are a small bicycle spare parts store and a handmade and also small factory of automotive gaskets, all this together with my husband and my mom. Always keeping in mind that they will stop being small to become big.

I have been married for a year to the love of my life.His name is Jesus Paez, we have a very beautiful love story, it all started when I was 13 years old and he was 15 years old, we were our first kiss and our first love, then for reasons of life and we were still very young, we went our separate ways. Surprisingly 7 years later we meet again when we were older and mature, everything was as if we never separated, we started with a friendship knowing that we felt very nice things for each other until we could not ignore it anymore and we became boyfriend and girlfriend on December 19, 2018, a sincerely magical courtship, already a month later for different situations we started living together, yes that fast, then in May of that same year we got engaged, we got married by civil marriage and then on December 19, 2019 we united our souls in marriage, and we have a relationship of friends, boyfriends, husbands and lovers in every day of our lives.

To tell you something more about me, I can tell you that I love animals and nature. My husband and I have a little dog named Loki. He is exactly like a son to us, we are very lucky to have him in our lives.
Me gusta mucho escuchar música y me encanta bailar, incluso tengo un tattoo que dice “dance” en mis costillas.
I love to listen to music and I love to dance, I even have a tattoo that says "dance" on my ribs.

Right now I have 2 small tattoos but I'm wishing I had the monetary power to be able to add a few more to my body.
Previously, I used the steemit platform, although not very much, but I did not know how to use it very well and I had no knowledge of the topics it had to offer.
I rambled a lot when using it, I have one thing or another on my blog, things that I won't continue since I know that none of that is my thing.
¡Pero ya tengo 100% claro que puedo compartir con ustedes!
But I am already 100% clear on what I can share with you.

Nowadays I am a graphic design student, and I love manual or traditional art that I can do with pencil, paper or canvas, paints, colors and more. I also love to make digital art, for this I use my design tablet and programs on my pc like paint tool sai, illustrator and photoshop.I also like to include photography in my art.
Quisiera mostrarles más adelante todas las cosas que hago y me apasionan.
I would like to show you later on all the things I do and am passionate about.

If you like all this art and design stuff, then I'm sure you'll like my next content. I will do everything in a way that you can feel what I feel when I make them.
No soy un artista profesional pero puedes asegurar de que lo hago desde mi corazón y mi alma para mi y ahora también para todos ustedes. No tengo mucha confianza al momento de mostrar lo que hago a los demás, pero aquí voy a soltar mis miedos, estoy segura de que les agradará mi trabajo, tanto como a mi. Una muestra de mis ilustraciones o artes digitales es esta, fue hecha para unos esposos felices que esperan a un bebé.
I am not a professional artist but you can be sure that I do it from my heart and soul for me and now also for all of you. I don't have much confidence in showing what I do to others, but here I am going to let go of my fears, I am sure you will like my work, as much as I do. A sample of my illustrations or digital art is this one, it was made for a happy husband and wife who are expecting a baby.
También les cuento que por esta fuerza de soltar mis miedos y gracias a mi esposo también me arme de valor y abrí una nueva página de diseño en instagram llamado To.Panda.art donde las personas allí pueden ver parte de mi contenido, allí aunque estoy empezando, dejo toda mi dedicación y mi empeño, no para que me sigan y me den likes, sino para compartir un poco de todo eso que tanto me hace feliz. Y así es como quiero dedicarme aquí en Hive y mucho más. Conseguirán contenido también como este que aquí les muestro, este es el poster de una miniserie proyecto de unas personas, hecho por mi para ellos.

I also tell them that by this force of letting go of my fears and thanks to my husband I also got courage and opened a new design page on instagram called To.Panda.art where people there can see some of my content, there although I'm starting, I leave all my dedication and my efforts, not to follow me and give me likes, but to share a little of everything that makes me so happy. And that's how I want to dedicate myself here at Hive and much more.You will also get content like this one I show you here, this is the poster of a miniseries project of some people, made by me for them.
De eso se trata la vida, crecer, aprender, vivir y ser feliz cada segundo.
That's what life is all about, growing, learning, living and being happy every second.
Mil gracias especiales a @rutablockchain y a @bluemist por ayudarme a iniciar en esta experiencia nueva y aprender de la comunidad HIVE.
Special thanks to @rutablockchain and @bluemist for helping me get started in this new experience and learning from the HIVE community.
Mil diseños, Mil emociones
A thousand designs, a thousand emotions

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Bienvenida a esta gran comunidad!! Seguro te divertiras mucho acá, un abrazo para ti. Mucho exito en todos tus proyectos y emprendimientos.
Feliz de tenerte por aquí. Se que tienes un universo infinito de creatividad para compartir en esta bella comunidad. Te adoro Forever. Bienvenida.🤗😍💙🦋🦋🦋💙
Bienvenida @ananda97 eres toda una artista en muchos aspectos, tienes grandes cualidades para compartir...Felicidades, estas en el lugar indicado #hive!!
Hola Ananda...Bienvenida!! Seguro nos vamos nutrir con lo que nos compartas... Espero te vaya súper bien...Abrazos
Bienvenida a HIVE, que bueno que vas a soltar los miedos, seguramente vas a hacer muy buenos trabajos. Diviértete y espero ver más de ti 😊