Hello everyone, I have some time without writing here for various reasons, however, I decided to share with you something interesting to start this new year 2021.
Imagen tomada por el autor del texto. Parque Central Caracas- Venezuela.
Fotografia inspiracion del autor del escrito. Caracas-Venezuela.
Now, if we look at this image in detail, which shows buildings, we will achieve an analysis of them. It is possible that we are objective and for a moment we think the following: "It is a simple building", "how beautiful the picture", "it is a good shot in night mode", etc. But, that simple "photography" goes beyond and is to be able to make a reflection, some people call introspection and yes, it is. Now, what can transmit those structures or that image? For me especially is, the firmness, stability, good bases, righteousness, greatness, achievements, among others ... remember, a building or a structure whatever, can transmit many things, here I leave the image.
If we go into detail, the question that is posed at the beginning says: Is this year 2021 the year to be where I want to be? have you already analyzed the question?... although it is not noticed, it is a deep question because it encompasses many things, for some it unifies work, family, dreams, purposes, what has been renounced, what is pending to be done. But what basis do I bring to achieve
It turns out, that if we want to feel good with ourselves and with life, we must place ourselves in the right place and be more stable, if so, like that building that shows the image. Besides, we will have to assume a commitment, but with ourselves, it is about making more of a change in your life and accepting the process that you have to live. Remember that sometimes you have to walk, fight and even struggle to make dreams, goals and everything we want to become a reality ... If we associate you with that building, imagine the amount of architects, engineers, master builders and masons working to make that great work reality, nothing easy, right?
Por aquí dejare como hacer una introspección para dar inicio al logro de tus metas, sueños y deseos, como quieras llamarlos.
Siéntate en un lugar donde estés cómodo y tranquilo sin perturbaciones, relaja tu espalda, tu cuello, tu cuerpo, respira profundo, cierra tus ojos y comienza a visualizar eso que deseas lograr, imagínate lo fuerte que pueden ser las bases de una estructura y piensa que así de fuerte y firme siempre deseas estar. Respira profundamente, escucha los latidos de tu corazón, y profundiza cada vez mas en tu respiración. Practica esto a diario cada vez que te sientas preocupado, la clave es soltar y dejar fluir.
Mira cada vez que puedas al cielo y espera un mensaje de esperanza y liberación, esto llegara a tu mente, sonríe siempre, no dejes de brillar como lo hace el sol.
Ahora te encuentras en un estado de armonía con todo lo que esta a tu alrededor, solo tienes que creer en ti.
No desperdicies la vida en aplazar lo que quieres. Céntrate,disfruta y da por hecho eso que desde mucho anhelas.
Here I will leave you with some introspection to start achieving your goals, dreams and desires, whatever you want to call them.
Sit in a place where you are comfortable and quiet without disturbance, relax your back, your neck, your body, breathe deeply, close your eyes and start visualizing what you want to achieve, imagine how strong the foundations of a structure can be and think that this strong and firm you always want to be. Breathe deeply, listen to your heartbeat, and go deeper and deeper into your breath. Practice this every day whenever you feel concerned, the key is to let go and let it flow.
Look at the sky every time you can and wait for a message of hope and liberation, this will come to your mind, always smile, don't stop shining like the sun does.
Now you are in a state of harmony with everything around you, you just have to believe in yourself.
Don't waste your life in putting off what you want. Focus, enjoy and take for granted what you have longed for.
¡Nos vemos en el próximo post!
***See you in the next post!
¡Gracias por estar siempre!
Thank you for always being there!
Bonitas imágenes has colocado de nuetsra capital en este post .. Bienvenida!!