You know how people talk about being on a path or journey to self-discovery? I feel like I should begin this journey too. But then, being a Christian already greatly influences how I intend to sojourn.
In church recently, pastor talked about how the bible is trying to give us a different world view, God's world view. The bible seeks to impart in us a mindset based on God's word. And this world view that the bible seeks to give us, will ultimately change how we interact with the life around us.
During another meeting, Pastor talked about how man finds himself only when he finds or identifies God. He gave an example with the story of Peter calling Jesus the Messiah in Matthew. And just after Peter declares Jesus as the Messiah, Jesus defines or identifies who Peter is. So we only find ourselves when we have a revelation of who God is.
So in my "journey" to self-discovery, I must spend time in God's word, praying, meditating on the person and character of God, to find myself in Him.
Again, how the bible or Christian world view affects this journey, is that, for the believer, we are only what God's word says we are. We are who God's word says we are. We can only know ourselves from God's word. Our identity is in Christ and the more we know Him, the more we know ourselves.
These days, it almost feels like I don't know who I am. But because of how much sound doctrine I've received, I know this is a lie. The devil is lying to me and I can recognise it. And I call this growth🥴.