Yesterday I was putting together a publication for an infographic that I had to do and my friend @brayanmcy wrote me to tell me that he wanted to introduce me to someone who is a new member of hive, this guy came alone thanks to a wrong search that led him to the hive link, after that he created his account and introduced himself, his user is @jonaldinho, after that when he investigated he met Brayan who helped him to introduce himself in another community, however there were still many doubts, so yesterday I met with them and I started to explain him several things about hive that he didn't know.
This guy can be noted his interest in learning and the truth is that he learns quite fast, he was able to grasp the necessary information and even helped me with my post, these meetings have not been done for a while, although they do not lose their essence.

Every meeting that allows me to help a new member is an achievement for me and soon you will see a new post from this guy where his layout and development will be cleaner as he is starting to understand and work with code. This guy is the first one I have mentored this year and I hope it will be the first of many. This guy understood the subject so much that he even helped me to make my post supporting me with some excellent ideas he gave me.

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