Looking Back at a Year and a Half of Splinterlands

in LCS Official4 years ago
Authored by @RichMahogani

Chance Encounter

I stumbled upon Splinterlands back in January 2020 while checking out something called Dapps on Coinbase Wallet. What are Dapps? Decentralized apps that are built and launched on the Blockchain. 
After checking out some of the games and financial Dapps on the Coinbase Wallet Explorer I somehow made it to Splinterlands and thought to myself, 
"...another Card Battle game?", 
and almost left to never look back had I not actually gave the game a try. To my surprise, it was actually kinda fun?! 
"A fluke", I thought to myself, 
since I was never big on Card Battle games growing up. Never actually giving things a chance will do that. 
So having enjoyed the short battle that can be skipped to the outcome or set to play through at x3 Fast 
Forward speed, I decided to look deeper into this game and found there was an entire Market and community 
behind it. Having lived through the almost overnight rise of Pokémon back in the late 90's where I 
may or may not have profited from finding or not finding a large number of possibly non existent cards that may or may not have a name similar to Pokémon that fell off a truck, I knew I had found something special 
that was worth a little more of my time.

Now I told you that story to tell you this story:
After seeing the potential this Splinterlands thing had and seeing how every time I logged in and decided to battle, at any given time, there would always be someone to battle against, I decided to put some money into obtaining and owning some of the, then, current series that was being offered, the Untamed series. With the added incentive of possible Legendary Summoners and Monsters being Airdropped to those who purchased said packs, I was sold.

I didn't go too crazy on the purchases. I only bought about 50x Untamed Packs from the Splinterlands Shop when they were only 2000 Credits. Do the math, if 1000 credits cost $1, then $2 got you a pack and each pack granted you a chance at the Airdrop costing me roughly $100 USD, not counting the Legendary, Alchemy, and Quest potions that were purchased whenever I didn't have enough to cover the pack being opened.

In hindsight, maybe keeping them sealed would have benefited me more with the new SplinterShards (SPS) token that was rolled out, more on that in a bit, but I'm not regretting anything. By the 2nd week playing, I was able to refer a friend of mine to join in on the possible breakout Dapp, and soon after he joined he put some money into his account value, and in turn, into mine as well.

Gets the Stamp

After getting all the possible Airdropped cards I was going to get from the packs I had bought, things slowed down a bit and got back to the daily grind of battles and Quest completion. Some rewards were better than others, and I was able to join in on the Tournaments being held every day on the Splinterlands site. Now all of that is good and fun, but you're here for one reason... Why is it even being mentioned as LCS Official?? Well, here's why...
[SL.SS] Yodin Zaku Legendary.jpg
I'm not exactly sure if this was in the first Airdropped group of cards I received, but I do know that this was my first Legendary Summoner, and the 5th Airdrop card out of the 14 that were being Airdropped. I started buying packs a little late and didn't get to participate in the first Airdrops but it didn't bother me. For you see, the Universe was once again lookin' out for me and provided it's assistance in bringing me 2 of the first 4 Airdropped cards I had missed while waiting for the Untamed Packs to sell out in the Splinterlands Shop. In fact, between my Boi @SpoRz and I, we were able to collect 12 of the 14 Airdropped cards.

Then Came July 27, 2021 and the SplinterShards Token!

[SL.SS] TOP 15 CARDS by USD asof 060121.png
The numbers shown at the top of each card says it all. You don't have to be a financial genius to agree that anytime an investment you make gains 10x its value is worth giving some thought. The best part is, this is only the beginning!! I'm excited to see where this project goes and am more than willing to officially support its rise to the Moon and beyond!After playing the game for about a year and a half, giving no thought to when or how this venture would turn profitable for @SpoRz and I, nothing could have prepared us for the overnight 10 Baggers we witnessed raise the value of our collections from about $100-$200 on mine and about $500 on his, give or take, to an incredible $1500 and over $3000 respectively. I mean, just check this out...

So what are you waiting for?! CLICK HERE and get in on the excitement!