in LCS Official4 years ago
Authored by @Rich Mahogani

We're in some exciting times Ladies and Gents, exciting times indeed. For those smart enough, or in some cases, lucky enough to have jumped on the Splinterlands train early, the rapid growth over the last 10 days has shown us just how fast **Play2Earn **can bring in returns that rival even the best rallies on the stock market. At the time of typing this post, I checked PeakMonsters PeakMonsters just to get a visual of all the recent action with Splinterlands and --wouldn't you know it-- it ALMOST shows the EXACT moment of liftoff.

TAKE A LOOK: [SL.SS] PeakMonsters Charts 06.05.21 (resized).png

Ok-Ok, so you can obviously tell when things started to rise like your Teen years, but that's some explosive growth by any standards, and the Land Expansion hasn't even happened yet!! That's really gonna take the Play2Earn and the Blockchain Gaming scene and flip it on it's head and give it an old fashioned swirly.


[MISSED CONNECTIONS]    WHERE: Splinterlands Discord Server
                        WHEN: Sometime in 2020
                        Description: (see below)

So there I was, in the Splinterlands Discord Server chit-chattin' about somethin' or other when you asked anyone who was willing to answer you back,

"Is it still a good time to get into Splinterlands? Would I even have a chance against everyone who has already been playing? Is it still even possible to collect any of the high value cards?"

I answered your question with a quick,
"YES, DEFINITELY!", or something along those lines. I then proceeded to share some of my experience with the game and how, even back then, I was already turning a profit from the small amount of cards I owned. I then shared my referral link with you and even offered to delegate my duplicate cards over to you, FREE OF CHARGE.

Now, granted the Rental System hadn't been implemented into the game at this point, but he was asking about renting cards or if anyone would allow him to rent some cards to be able to compete with the already seasoned Vets of the Splinterlands Battle Field. 

I made my offer and, almost immediately, a different user replied with how much of a bad move it would be to give up this opportunity. The message seemed like it was received when you said,
"This sounds too good to be true", and then proceeded to tell me (as if I didn't already know) how cool I am to even do that for someone and all I ask is that he use my referral link. Not a bad deal right? You'd think after a deal like that from, arguably, the COOLEST person he would ever meet in life, ever, that he would be knee deep in SPS and Airdropped Legendary Summoner cards as we speak.


Welp, If you remember, this was posted in the [MISSED OPPORTUNITIES] classifieds section of your favorite Community on Peakd, and I can tell u that up until right now this second, I have yet to see any new referrals listed in my account. So, no matter how hard I knocked, You Sir, never opened the door.