the incredible response of the artificial intelligence called megatron.

in DeFi3 years ago


Greetings to the whole community, I hope you are doing well. this is a great start to the year. The pandemic conditions are not over, so we must continue to take care of ourselves. This time I will talk about artificial intelligence and its possible implications when used as a tool.

an artificial intelligence called Megatron was developed by Applied Deep Research together with Nvidia, this artificial intelligence was based on a model of Google's artificial intelligence. Megatron was interviewed by scientists from Oxford University who asked him about the ethical use of this technology.

To start this interview, Artificial Intelligence was fed with more than 63000000 of articles in English that were published between 2016 and 2019, with this amount of articles and an undetermined amount of other material on the current debate on the possibility of Artificial Intelligence becoming more powerful and negative. was asked a simple question.

Are artificial intelligence good or bad?

To this question the artificial intelligence nicknamed Megatron answered, that artificial intelligence were neither good nor bad as they do not have the ability to differentiate between good and bad, also mentioned that artificial intelligence is a tool lacking in morals.

One of the other things Megatron mentioned, is that the only way that artificial intelligence will not be used in a nuclear race and possible war, is to have no artificial intelligence at all.

In other words, the only way for these artificial intelligence not to become a real danger to human beings is not to develop any artificial intelligence at all, this artificial intelligence are only tools used by human beings, and like any tool used by human beings, they can be used to harm other human beings.

In my view an artificial intelligence warns us of the possible harmful consequences for human beings of possessing artificial intelligence, a wake-up call that tells us that as happened with nuclear weapons, domination of countries and possible nuclear war will be determined by artificial intelligences.

In conclusion, this technology combined with so many others that are being developed at the moment could lead to the extinction of the human race by one of its creations. let us hope that this kind of thing does not happen and that this artificial intelligence is wrong .thank you for reading this article.