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RE: Pierwsze spotkanie konfraterni

in KBK2 years ago

Been quite busy lately, but if no one else can be bothered, I could write the short introductory post about the Book Club and send it to you so you can check and proofread it before it gets published.

The idea with postcards is fantastic. I could check if they can be distributed at my museum, in the Jagiellonian Library and the University Bookstore on św. Anny Street.


Thank you! Actually, the main issue with the introductory post is the account from which we want to publish it, for both @lpa and @lorenc are quite unofficial channels and it may be confusing for newcomers to see the bookclub advertised on such channels. An option, would be that of using the @ksiazki account, or something else created ad-hoc for the bookclub.

I'd suggest the Konfraternia to meet again to discuss this and the other points raised in the post.

You are right that we could leave the postcards in a lot of other places!