Yes. That's a good idea. It ensures everyone's aware of the voting and then of the final decision that has been made. The question is: - who should we mention exactly; those who have attended last time, or anyone who has ever attended? And where should we mention them? I am of the idea that it's much simpler if you directly reach to the people you think can vote for you.
We can discuss it before or after the next meeting! :)
Okay 👍🏻 to be continued
Guys, but don't you think it would be unfair that some people will be reminded to vote while others will not? I admit that I forgot about the poll, but that’s the point of democracy, who votes, chooses the book. We can discuss it at the meeting of Konfraternia, it’s an interesting matter :)
So remind everyone who ever been on book club 💁🏻♂️
The part of democracy is turnout level