rareraptor cross-posted this post in SplinterForge last year

🔍 **SplinterForge Q&A Session: Your Burning Questions Answered!** 🔥

in #splinterlandslast year


Ever had burning questions about SplinterForge and its gameplay mechanics? Well, we've got you covered! Here's a comprehensive Q&A session to address all your inquiries:

  • Q: Do you plan to burn crates anytime in the future?

A: We are working on coming up with a good way to do just that. We would love to hear ideas from the community on how you would like to see it done.

  • Q: Is it possible to add sockets to the new relics?

A: Relics currently don't have sockets, but this feature may be considered in the future.

  • Q: Why are my cards in low level even after renting high-level ones?

A: Try refreshing your game after renting to ensure that the changes take effect.

  • Q: Are bot use allowed in this game?


A: According to SplinterForge's rules, multi-accounts are generally allowed as long as they are not excessive or harmful to the game's economy. This means that players may create multiple accounts, but they should not abuse this privilege to gain an unfair advantage or disrupt the game's balance. However, to attempt to maintain fairness to each individual player and the spirit of the game, we are only permitting each user to battle each boss with a maximum of 2 accounts. Family and scholars should refrain from being in the same league as their family or patrons. We are looking for obvious users with many accounts, siphoning FORGE out of the ecosystem. Users found to be breaking this policy may have their accounts limited from participating in battle, possible forfeiture of additional rewards, and in extreme or repeated cases, banned. This policy may change at any time, and it will be updated to reflect any such changes. As for botting, SplinterForge currently allows it, but this policy is subject to change. Botting refers to the use of automated programs or scripts to perform in-game actions or tasks. While it may provide some benefits to players, it can also disrupt the game's economy and balance, and some players may view it as an unfair advantage.

  • Q: What are the chances of getting a fragment or essence for fighting the bosses?

A: There's a 1% chance at each, so you could technically get them both.

  • Q: Who should I message for support?

A: For support inquiries, Bluegoose or RareRaptor are your go-to contacts in the Discord.

  • Q: Is there a guide available for what items I should get?

A: You can check out the ⁠🧧︱official-links for wiki links and you can check out ⁠📺︱streamer-links for some vids on gameplay.

  • Q: I have been reading that there is a penalty in rewards for using starter cards and I tried to see how I notice a difference but I don't seem to be able to see any starter cards offered to play anyway.

A: Rareraptor removed the ability to use starter cards.

  • Q: If I send my hero equipment that I just used to another account how long is it in cooldown?

A: Equipment goes on a 24-hour cooldown after being used, currently this is at the account level (any hero on the same account can use them on cooldown) but will likely shift to the hero level (only that hero can use them for 24 hours after used) with hero vs hero.

  • Q: Have you considered that the new reward system will decrease the Forge earned?


A: The new reward system aims to address inflation issues and strengthen the token's value for the long term. When the token price goes up, battle rewards go up, and distribution levels in the new system can still reach nearly the same level as they are now if the token price recovers. The bottom line is that without slashing inflation, the project as a whole is in trouble. This is a huge but necessary step forward for the token and project.

Q: Will there be a new way to earn Forge?
A: That is correct. We plan to duplicate the system used for rewarding boss battles for PVP battles with some tweaks.

  • Q: When will the PvP system be implemented?

A: There will be a transition period between the new reward system and the PvP system, with adjustments planned along the way. Trying to make too many big changes at the same time has a higher risk of introducing bad bugs or multiple bugs. The increase in battle rewards will help to offset some of the removal of LB rewards. Keep in mind, too, that as the global modifier goes up, the value and the amount of forge you get from battles will go up. At peg boss battles would put out almost 80% of what is going out now.

  • Q: Will there be any adjustments to Mine Runs?

A: The cost for Mine Run is under review, with considerations for applying the global modifier.
For additional info on the Mine Runs you can check the gitbook page.
