Sombreritos cafés

in Hive Mexicolast year


Sombreritos cafés
bailan bajo la lluvia
esperando si ves
que ha llega el otoño
cargadito de enjundia.

No me digas mi amor
que no sientes fervor
y un aroma que inunda
este tierra de amor
y unas ganas de amar
cada vez más profunda...


Little brown hats
that dance in the rain
waiting if you see
autumn has arrived
loaded with joy.

Don't tell me my love
that you don't feel fervor
and an aroma that floods
this land of love
and a desire to love
from the bottom of the heart...

Fotografía y poesía



Great lines. You have written the lines on mushrooms before that. Dancing in the rain gives me a memories when I was a child and with my Aunt I was collecting mushrooms that were coming out of the grounds and clouds were thundering. Weather was like rain is coming soon.

Here are so many of them, I like taking photos of them

A new kid of mushroom I have seen today.