一个V8s 声卡、一支麦克风、两支手机、灯光、背景、布置、支架、氛围光等等…….陪着我上路。
Last year due to covid pandemic, I have learn to go on Live broadcast.
I bought some basic good price stuffs for go on Live.
I’m just a entry level live performer.
A sound card, microphone, two handsets, lightings, backdrops, decorations, some stands and some fill lights etc…this are all needed for a live show.
About half a year I sustained for the daily live show.
I have learned some knowledge and gathered some precious experiences and moments.
The best part is I have met few core persons who gave me tremendous opportunity and support.
I appreciate the support given by them.
It’s one of the best moments in my life.
For the best experience view this post on Liketu
叔叔也來以聲相許🤣 誰幫你拍叫?
萍萍~~~ 嘻嘻!好久不见!好不好?
哈还好披萨还记得我😅😅 我还好😘😘
记得当然记得!除了这里,k 歌偶有交流…. 走~ k 几首来
好久不见呀笑渣波!!!🤝🍰🥘🍗🍻 美啊美啊😍😍
多泥美女!想你啊!你好不好?那个滤镜效果,别理她…. 哈哈哈哈哈
我还行 滤不滤镜我不管 就是喜欢你的样子 不要拦我
哈哈哈哈 我好喜欢你这样爽朗的才女~~~ 开心!
The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago when the HBD stabilizer proposal rose above it.
May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work?
You can do it on Peakd, Ecency, or using HiveSigner.
All votes are helpful and yours will be much appreciated.
Thank you!Dear @pizzapai, we need your help!