Hey there my Hive friends and followers!
I thought I would complete this little mini photography series about the Zanzibar beaches by posting this second and also final part of it last Wednesday, one week after the first part was published, but again, life got in the way and it was not until today that I finally found a free slot to roll it out :)
Before we get to the actual pictures though, let me guys thank you for the amazing response to the first part. I got a lot of community support on that post and some very lively and enjoyable engagement with almost a hundred of comments. Thanks for all of that, I really appreciate it! Tropical beaches seem to be a very popular topic here so without further ado, here comes the second and final batch of beaches captured (and thoroughly enjoyed) by me on this lovely Tanzanian archipelago called Zanzibar ;)
I hope you liked the photos. After all the posts that I already wrote about Zanzibar, its people, nature, culture and traditions, there is not much left that I could say about these images so I decided to post them on Liketu, a great platform built on Hive that is mostly designed for visual content. But if you missed the previous posts and want to learn something about the life on the Zanzibar coast, feel free to check out the first part of this series where you can find links to the other posts with more information.
This is probably one of my very last posts about Zanzibar but I will come with at least one more for sure as I haven´t showed you the Kuza Cave yet, a very interesting natural place that we also got to visit and spend some time at. I might also make a post about the architecture found in the rural parts of the island. Will see if I find enough decent photos to base the post on. Until then... Hakuna Matata! :)
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

No konečne som sa k tomuto postu dostala 🙂 Počasie je stále zle, ale máme veľa rodinných návštev, tak sa na hive vôbec nedostanem..
Krásne fotky! Tá prvá je úplne najlepšia 🙂
Zakladateľ Liketu bol na HiveFeste v Amsterdame. Veľmi príjemný človek.. tiež som rozmýšľala, žeby som to začala používať, len nemám na to content. Ja rada rozprávam 🙂
Dúfam, že sa máte dobre a že si užívate lepšiu jar ako my 🙂
Tady je teď taky hnusně :( Zima, fouká, prší... Nic se nedá venku dělat. Už několik týdnů mi tu na stole leží pohled z Taiwanu od Pauline, chtěl jsem ho vzít do centra a nafotit s ním pár fotek a udělat z toho článek, ale zatím to pořád nešlo, tak už asi nebudu dál čekat a prostě jí jenom v tom článku poděkuju a podělím se s ní o payout... Počasí fakt nepřeje :(
Liketu je zajímavý projekt. Dost lidí psaní nebaví, nebo jim to nejde, takže pro takové je Liketu dobrá volba. Já vím, že ty sis s kvalitou tvých postů nastavila laťku hodně vysoko a teď bys ji asi nerada snižovala nějakými články, kde by nebylo tolik textu, ale vůbec se toho neboj, čas od času si nějaký lehčí fotopost střihnou i ti nejlepší a nejváženější autoři ;)
Počasie sa zlepšilo, tak tu vôbec nie som, keďźe sme s rodinou trávili čas vonku. Konečne to vyzerá ako jar...
Tak to som rada, že si sa zapojil do tohto 'projektu'. Ja som jej posielala pohľadnicu pred pár rokmi a tiež som jednu dostala. Je to super, keď v dnešnej dobe príde niečo do poštovej schránky 🙂
Tiež si myslím, že je to zaujímavý projekt. Predstavili ho ako Web3 instagram 🙂 Zatiaľ ešte nejaký materiál mám, ale keď mi dôjde, tak budem musieť vážne uvažovať o nejakej alternatíve a toto sa mi zdá najreálnejšie 🙂
Tak to se máš, tady je furt hnusně a má to pokračovat i o víkendu :( Tak užívejte jaro a budu se těšit na tvůj premiérový Liketu post! :)
💙💙💙 nádherné!
Ulimwengu wetu mdogo wa kitropiki huko Zanzibar ;) :*
To je nádhera. Zase u toho přemýšlím, proč jsem se do toho blbého Česka vracela :D asi fakt budu muset trávit zimy celé někde v takovém krásném háji :D
Tak to tě ale musím varovat, zimy trávené v tropech jsou silně návykové :D ;)
mně před tropy úplně stačily Kanáry a Kypr, a propadla jsem tomu absolutně :D tropy jsou pak taková třešinka na dortu ;)
Your photos of Zanzibar seem to be convincing me more and more to consider spending a holiday there in the future, although for me such a holiday is a bit pricey, however if I save up some more money I will definitely be able to afford to go to Zanzibar, I hear Jambiani beach is a very nice beach, hehe.
Thanks buddy, @missdeli already said something similar after checking some of my previous Zanzibar posts so you guys might travel there together one day, just like you did with your Prague trip :) In fact, our hotel was in Jambiani and the beaches over there are nice but not exactly the super white sandy beach & crystal clear turquoise waters... These are located in the north of the Unuguja Island, particularly in Kendwa and Nungwi ;)
Ohhh definitely! They are our chance to go because I dont want to travel here just the two of us (or the three of us, little one included).
Triplug's wife is in love with this place so maybe we'll go together.
Amazing. I hope you guys will really go there one day :) All of you! :D
You are absolutely right @missdeli, my wife always teases me with those unreal turquoise waters, soft white beaches and lots of sunshine, hehe.
I hope that one day we will ,,all,, get there,hehe.Thank you very much for the information @phortun, this way I find out a tip that can help us plan a perfect holiday.
My pleasure :) Everything I learned about Zanzibar, I have already shared in my posts here on Hive so you are more than welcome to use them for planning your holiday :)
When I schedule a vacation there I will definitely remember your posts so I can steal a few tips, hehe.
wow this is awesome. What spectacular photos. The fourth photo looks like a picture of Los Roques (Venezuela) that my mom @marihernandez painted in oil, I'm sure you will love this post, I'm going to show it to you.
Thank you :) I didn´t know that your mom is on Hive too. Your onboarding and Hive promoting efforts have been really impressive!
Thanks, I know I could do better, I'm still working on it. 😁
Amazing photos as always. I have fallen in love with Zanzibar. What is photo #13? Is that due to the ebb and flow?
Aww, thank you! :) So many people have already said something like this (that my Zanzibar posts made them fall in love with this exotic place) and it´s so nice to hear! Yeah, that shot captures the sand formations created by the retreating tide :) Looks pretty abstract, I know :D
Damn those waters! It looks like a really fine sand too😎
As fine as it gets ;) Those beaches really reminded me of my time spent in the Caribbean but I know that you guys in the Philippines have this kind of beaches over there too ;) Thanks for stopping by my blog!
A charming site and a series of photos from a magazine specializing in tourism and travel... Or even NatGeo, I would say!... What an eye-catching photographic work!... Thanks for sharing my friend @phortun !
!discovery 35
Definitely not NatGeo level considering that even ShutterStock doesn´t want these photos but thank you my friend, very kind of you ;) Was a pleasure to take you to these beaches through my shots.
Haaa haaaa haaaa :))... I spent quite some time struggling with ShutterStock's admission standards!... I see that they are still just as picky! :))... A hug for you dear friend!... I hlike a lotthat you are very well! ;)
So you know this struggle :) And now imagine how much time and effort it took me to push almost 1,500 photos to SS all of which were taken just by phones including some really old and crappy phones! :D But yeah, they still keep increasing their admission standards and now it´s almost impossible for me to get some new shots to my portfolio. But my earnings have been decreasing rapidly over the past few years. Seems like the photo stock business is dying... What is your recent experience?
Oh no... I stopped sending photos to SS maybe a couple of years ago!... I don't have anything recent to add... But at the time it was a real pain for me!... And I barely made a portfolio of 700 photos if I remember correctly!... But I started to stop sending when the image rejection rate got too high and image sales started to drop... It certainly seems to me that In a world with so many images without copyright available, it is difficult for this type of business to sustain itself... Although I have a couple of professional photographer friends (those who have their studio and all that stuff hahaha) who do still have largue portfolios of stock photos not only in SS, also in others too... And this still seems to be working for him to some extent... :)
I see, very similar to my experience. Ironically, my biggest sales were during the first months after the registration back in 2017, even though I only had just a couple of (average or below average quality) pictures in my portfolio back then :D It was not unusual to make 50 bucks per month back then. Now, with almost 1500 photos in my portfolio, I often make just 5 bucks per month :D Ridiculous. Btw did you keep your portfolio or you deleted it? If you still have it there, do you still get some sales? I think the SS algo actually favors active contributors who still submit new shots so I wonder if those who haven´t uploaded anything new in years still get some sales too...
I think the sand seems wonderful when it is dry and get light from sun. I liked the 8th photo the most.
However, the sea seems wavy, it might have been dangerious to swim. Thanks for the post and beautiful photos man!
Those were just little waves ;) All the beaches that we visited were really nice and safe, suitable even for kids... The 8th picture is the one with the beach volleyball net, I like that one too, cool vibes there :) Thanks for your visit my friend!
The color of the water is just.....🤩😍 wow!!!!!
Dík! :) No, z Uruguaye to do Karibiku (který hraje stejnými barvami) nemáte zrovna blízko, tak si budete muset vystačit s těmi plážemi, co máte poblíž :D Byla jsi už někdy v severní části Jižní Ameriky? Kolumbie, Venezuela nebo tak něco?
V severní části JA jsem ještě nebyla. Byla jsem v Dominikánské republice a v Brazilii jsme dojeli do Espirito Santo. Letos to snad dojedeme dál a na začátku příštího roku bychom rádi sever Jižní Ameriky projeli. :)
Pláže tady jsou krásné ale těšíme se na pravý Karibik! A jednou i do Zanzibaru :D :D
Paráda :) Já zas zatím nebyl tam dole "u vás" :D My se toulali hlavně po Střední Americe, z Jižní jsme nakoukli jen do Kolumbie, ale moc se nám tam líbilo... I když číslo jedna pro mě asi už navždy bude Kostarika, to je prostě Pura Vida a láska na celý život ;) Určitě se tam někdy taky podíváte...
Kostarika je první na mém bucket listu a je to můj sen. Až tam dojedeme tak tam rozhodně chci zůstat nějakou dobu 🤩
Držím palce, aby vám to klaplo, je to fakt nádherná země s nejvyšší biodiverzitou na světě ;)
Just so wow! Can't say anything but wow!
But it seems empty, is it a private resort? Is it safe to bathe?
Thank you :) Not really empty, the white sandy beaches with the turquoise waters are located in the most touristy part of the island but I always try to take my photos without people in them :) It takes some patience sometimes but I like it this way...
I guess you arrive very earl then. You are so amazing
People living here are very lucky to see such a beautiful place everyday because it is not an ordinary place its beauty is so much that it looks like heaven.
Yeah but you know what? People who only know their own place and nothing else cannot compare and take it for granted so they often don´t even realize how beautiful their home is :)
To je nějaký skalní převis nad pláží, který bude vytvářet přirozený stín? Vypadá to výborně, jen se mi nedaří rozlousknout perspektiva - zda je objekt vpravo nahoře horizontálně nad pláží, nebo vertikálně vedle ní.
Je to spíš útes a tyčí se nad úrovní pláže. Nahoře je dokonce i malá vyhlídka, třetí fotka od konce je focena právě z ní...
Aha, myslel jsem si to. Ale kdyby to byl nějaký jeskynní převis takto nad pláží, bylo by to moc "cool", i když si nedovedu představit, jak by se takový útvar zformoval :)
The place is beautiful and clear, like a paradise destination on Earth. The sky is magnificently blue on photo no. 11 :)
Thanks! :) Places like this are kind of epitomes of what people usually consider the tropical paradise so you are right ;)
Indeed! I haven't visited a place like this yet but I hope do so in the future :)
I love the 3rd and 7th photos the most. i love the view of the water and it's colour. It's beautiful.
Thanks for sharing though.
Thanks for checking out the pictures and letting me know which ones you like the most! Have a nice weekend :)
Very beautiful beach with white sand and blue water.
Indeed. I would go back any time... Thanks for swinging by!
WoW))) beautiful place 😍
It is. I hope you will get to visit Zanzibar too one day. Thanks for checking out my blog :)
The beach photos are so wonderful <3 _ <3
They are :) Thanks for checking out the photos, I appreciate it.
You're welcome! :)
Awesome photography, bird scenery looks amazing loved that views💙😍
Thank you. Btw what bird scenery are you talking about?
Do české sibérie je to tak trochu provokace :-)
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Thank you very much for this beautiful view I really liked and even dreamed of coming here
I am also waiting for the place you will visit Gua Kuza
Thanks :) I guess you mean the Kuza Cave. Coming soon, stay tuned ;)
Thank you very much with pleasure and continue to take good care because it is my favorite