"Un matrimonio exitoso requiere enamorarse muchas veces, siempre de la misma persona"-Mignon McLaughlin
Weddings! Weddings!! Weddings!!!
It has been a hot minute since I went to a wedding ceremony. However, today broke that record for me.
¡Bodas! ¡¡Bodas!! ¡¡¡Bodas!!!
Hacía mucho tiempo que no iba a una ceremonia de boda. Sin embargo, hoy ha roto ese récord para mí.
A lovely girl met a nice guy and they decide to spend happily ever after together. However, they decided to treat us as amiable guests and well-wishers to an amazing wedding party.
Una chica encantadora conoció a un chico agradable y deciden pasar felices para siempre juntos. Sin embargo, decidieron tratarnos como amables invitados y bienquerientes a una increíble fiesta de boda.
The invite read show up in style and ready to have fun. Of course, we understood the assignment, we did not fail to show up and show out. It was an intimate wedding.
La invitación rezaba: "Preséntense con estilo y listos para divertirse". Por supuesto, entendimos el encargo, no dejamos de presentarnos y divertirnos. Fue una boda íntima.
Also, this was my first time attending a white wedding on a Monday. It was indeed a new experience.
Además, era la primera vez que asistía a una boda blanca en lunes. Fue realmente una experiencia nueva.
I wish the lovely couple marital bliss, a beautiful home, and all their greatest heart desires accomplished.
Deseo a la encantadora pareja la felicidad conyugal, una hermosa casa, y todos sus mayores deseos del corazón realizados.
Enjoy these beautiful photos I was able to steal in the excitement of the moment.
Disfruta de estas hermosas fotos que pude robar en la emoción del momento.
Have you attended a wedding in recent times?
¿Has asistido a una boda en los últimos tiempos?
For the best experience view this post on Liketu
Looks stunning, and everybody filled with nothing but happiness.
In the UK, weddings have been difficult due to various crippling gathering policies over the last few years. I have managed to goto one and it too was extremely memorable.
I love the sound of that.
I really like these gatherings as they bring about celebrations of love, life, and other good things going on.