Unidos por el alumbrado 🫶 United for lighting 🫶

in Liketu3 months ago

Hola a todos queridos amigos! Desde hace dos días mi tío tenía una idea para decorar, quería colocar un hilo largo de luces en la calle y en el patio de al frente de la casa, varios barrios ya lo han echo así y nosotros también queríamos🤭 se ve muy bonito y no cuesta tanto porque esas luces son económicas.
De día se ven así como en la primera fotografía.!

Hello everyone, my dear friends! Two days ago my uncle had an idea for decorating. He wanted to put a long string of lights on the street and in the front yard of the house. Several neighborhoods have already done it like this and we wanted to too. It looks very nice and it doesn't cost that much because those lights are inexpensive.
During the day they look like the first photo!


Pero de noche es que se ve la magia, los vecinos estaban felices por este pequeño adorno de navidad porque todo es por la navidad, que es algo que nos une como pueblo, barrio y familia, todos nos emocionamos mucho con solo ver luces es tan bonito. 😍

But at night you can see the magic, the neighbors were happy about this little Christmas decoration because it's all about Christmas, which is something that unites us as a town, neighborhood and family, we all get very excited just seeing the lights, it's so beautiful. 😍


Espero les haya gustado mi posts amigos gracias a todos por leer y por apoyar!

I hope you liked my posts, friends. Thank you all for reading and supporting!