[ESP/ING] Panquecas_ Pancakes

in Liketu4 months ago

Hola mi gente linda de esta comunidad, espero se encuentren bien. Hoy hice un rica y sencilla cena a lo venezolano pues allá en Venezuela a esto se le llama panquecas decidí hacer esto porque mi esposo me dijo que eso era lo que quería comer. Pues empeze haciendo la mezcla y calentando la plancha, después saque la mantequilla y el queso para tenerlo todo a la mano, en Venezuela yo comia más esto era con queso duro, pues ya aquí no tenía queso de ese que aquí se le llama queso costeño me toco hacerlas con queso de lonchita pues a pesar de que es algo sencillo es súper rico, y pues si quedaron riquísimas

Hello my beautiful people of this community, I hope you are well. Today I made a delicious and simple Venezuelan dinner because over there in Venezuela this is called pancakes, I decided to make this because my husband told me that was what he wanted to eat. Well, I started by making the mixture and heating the grill, then I took out the butter and the cheese to have everything on hand. In Venezuela I ate more, this was with hard cheese, because here I didn't have the kind of cheese that is called coastal cheese here. I had to make them with sliced cheese because even though it is something simple, it is super delicious, and well, they turned out delicious






