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RE: How-To Make Golden Tumeric Paste

in Liketu2 years ago

Oh, that's great to hear that you love it! And drinking less or no coffee but this instead is a great change. I'm sure you'll feel better and better the more you drink it. It's magic haha!
I actually have to get some turmeric again and get this routine going again myself.
Well, if the pain slowly gets less intense and eventually goes away completely, that would be amazing. It does take a little time with this but then there's a huge chance it will never return, or not easily anyway.
Fingers crossed sister!


Yeah I know, I only had 1 coffee yesterday, that's seriously weird to me. I mean, I stopped drinking it for about a year I think, but started again here in Spain (lol, not all was that positive you see haha). Before I knew it, I was enjoying it way too much again.

I'm starting the day with the golden latte now and added cinnamon since yesterday when you mentioned it. I love it.

I noticed that I only needed 1x paracetamol yesterday BUT I also have to admit that I'm using my hand less behind the computer, it's hard but I'm really trying to avoid overusing it.

I'm hoping it will soon bring great relief though, I read many good things so I'm determined to keep going! Just need to add much more milk to our grocery list now, it was all gone in some days now, lol.


Yeah, I'd say you'd need to combine it with using the hand a little bit less than usual.
Your body needs recovery time. But if there was any inflammation and the golden milk helps with that, then that is some of the problems gone.
I wish you a speedy recovery, and hopefully, you'll be flapping those hands around again like it's nothing in no time hehe.


Whahaha.. sorry had to find a gif for that :)

Not actual footage!

I notice that when I do rest more, it's a lot less painful but you know that's not possible every day. It seems that there is already some overall improvement, hoping next week will be even better.

It also still helps me stick to 1 (sometimes 2) cups of coffee a day.