Beyond the storm @maxipiano78 [SPA-ENG]

in Liketu2 years ago


Hola #Hive

Hello #Hive

Sin miedo a la tormenta es el tema de hoy para compartirles estás fotos que me gustaron muchísimo me llenaron de paz y de positivismo al pensar no importa lo mal que este el clima o las tormentas que puedas pasar al final vendrá la calma y podrás contemplar el arcoiris


Without fear of the storm is today's theme to share with you these photos that I liked very much, they filled me with peace and positivity when I thought, no matter how bad the weather is or how stormy you go through, calm will eventually come and you will be able to contemplate the rainbow


For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Wowww! great photo shoot, I've never seen a whole rainbow