Hermosas flores amarillas
Greetings dear readers of Liketu Community
Apenas llegué pude mirar las hermosas flores y realicé el recorrido pensando que cuando saliese de la emisora iba a tomar unas fotografías. En efecto fue así, apenas salí me dispuse a captar la hermosura de muchas de esas flores. Es impresionante que hasta las flores que ya estaban marchitas tenían una belleza singular. Me dispuse a tomar muchas fotografías y le comenté a Joscar que tomara una fotografía de la estructura de una fachada interna de esa instalación. Me encantó la toma que realizó de esa fachada. Espero que puedan disfrutar de la belleza de las flores amarillas de la planta de Capacho (Canna indica) y puedan rememorar; los que conocen la ciudad de Maracay, en mi amada Venezuela, lo que fue la sede de este hotel, allá por los años de 1930.
As soon as I arrived I was able to look at the beautiful flowers and I took the tour thinking that when I left the station I was going to take some photographs. In fact it was like that, as soon as I went out I started to capture the beauty of many of those flowers. It is impressive that even the flowers that were already withered had a singular beauty. I prepared to take many photographs and I told Joscar to take a photograph of the structure of an internal façade of that installation. I loved the shot he took of that facade. I hope you can enjoy the beauty of the yellow flowers of Capacho plant (Canna indica) and can remember; those who know the city of Maracay, in my beloved Venezuela, which was the headquarters of this hotel, back in the 1930´s.

Grateful for all the days lived

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Samsung S23 Ultra @marlenyaragua - @joscar-sw


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