Conociendo una mansión en Colombia[ESP-ENG] Getting to know a mansion in Colombia

in Liketu5 months ago


Conocí una mansion increible de unas 15 habitaciones(no conté todas), pasamos un dia y tuvimos una fiesta brutal!!
Les cuentó salimos a las 3 de la tarde de Cúcuta para el sitio, compramos carne para una parrilla algunos chorizos y morcillas, ya el licor estaba en el lugar(cerveza y aguardiente) y los pasapalos igualmente.
fue una travesia de unos 30 minutos hasta llegar al lugar, de verdad mi primera impresion no fue normal, la casa es gigante y no hay manera de describirlo.
lo primero que hice fue inspeccionar completamente el lugar, en general son dos casas, la principal y una de huespedes.
Los invitados llegarón una hora despúes de nosotros, nos sirvieron la cena y minutos despúes llegó un grupo de vallenato, la verdad se demoraron un poco porque el acordionero no llegaba, pero valió completamente la pena porque tocaron increible.
Repartieron aguardiente hasta no decir más y al mismo tiempo daban cerveza, cosas de la patria hermana, Luego de finalizar la rumba vallenata llegó un grupo de música norteña, dos chicos vestidos de manera muy peculiar JAJA, realmente buenos en lo que hacen se amañaron y cantaron casi 2 horas, obviamente convencidos porque habia una muy buena fiesta y buen ambiente.
Cuando finaliza la música procedemos a hacer el asado, ya que la gente tenia un poco de hambre, a pesar de comer pasapalos y la cena, cuando nos descuidamos la gente estaba en la piscina bailando y tomando.
En resumen la fiesta finalizó a las 5 am.
Horas mas tarde, nos paramos a la 10 am, con una parte negativa y es que habian muchos zancudos, pero eso me motivo a lanzarme a la piscina desde temprano y agarrar unos minutos de sol, pues teniamos hasta las 3 de la tarde para desalojar la casa.
desayunamos pasteles y tequeños del dia anterior, y almorzamos pure con lomo de cerdo y una ensalada.
la tarde se pasó rapida y pasamos un dia genial.
salimos aproximadamente a las 3:30 de la casa ya rumbo a nuestras casas para descansar realmente.
Les voy a dejar la sección de fotos de como era la casa para que se enamoren.


I saw an incredible mansion with about 15 rooms (I didn't count all of them), we spent a day and had a brutal party!!
He told them that we left Cúcuta for the place at 3 in the afternoon, we bought meat for a grill, some chorizos and blood sausages, the liquor was already there (beer and liquor) and the appetizers as well.
It was a journey of about 30 minutes to reach the place, my first impression was really not normal, the house is gigantic and there is no way to describe it.
The first thing I did was completely inspect the place, in general there are two houses, the main one and a guest house.
The guests arrived an hour after us, they served us dinner and minutes later a vallenato group arrived, the truth is they were a little delayed because the accordion player didn't arrive, but it was completely worth it because they played incredible.
They handed out liquor until no more was said and at the same time they gave beer, things from the sister country. After finishing the rumba vallenata, a northern music group arrived, two boys dressed in a very peculiar way HAHA, really good at what they do, they got it together and They sang for almost 2 hours, obviously convinced because there was a very good party and good atmosphere.
When the music ends we proceed to make the barbecue, since people were a little hungry, despite eating snacks and dinner, when we got careless people were in the pool dancing and drinking.
In short, the party ended at 5 am.
Hours later, we stopped at 10 am, with a negative side and that was that there were many mosquitoes, but that motivated me to jump into the pool early and catch a few minutes of sun, since we had until 3 in the afternoon to vacate home.
We had pastries and tequeños from the day before for breakfast, and we had puree with pork loin and a salad for lunch.
The afternoon went by quickly and it was a great day.
We left the house at approximately 3:30 and headed to our homes to really rest.
I'm going to leave you the photo section of what the house was like so you can fall in love.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu