Holaa, holaaa familia besos y abrazos :) saludos desde venezuela se les quiere muchisimooooo, el dia de ayer estuvo de cumpleaños mi hermoso bebe Dominic, bueno yo le llamo de cariño Bebe Gerber De Venezuela jajaja ya su primer añito que alegriaaaa aun recuerdo como si fuese ayer que vino a este mundo que lo abraze en mis brazos lo bese fue lo que mas anhele en ese momento :*, espero les guste muchisisimoo familia feliz dia bye, bye abrazos desde la distancia amigoss :)....
Hello, hello family hugs and kisses 😃 greetings from Venezuela we love you so much, yesterday my beautiful baby Dominic had his birthday, well I affectionately call him Baby Gerber From Venezuela hahaha and his first year what a joy I still remember as if he were Yesterday that he came into this world that I hugged him in my arms and kissed him was what I longed for the most at that moment 😗, I hope you like it very much, happy family day bye, bye hugs from afar friends 😃…
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