Where we live in Durban, South Africa, we don't get snow. So I am not used to snow and I find it amazing! I love admiring the photos I see such as these that you have shared with us.
It always feels funny how people tend to ignore these fantastic little moment of nature just hanging all around us. The best thing for all, these views are all for free if you are willing to take some effort and head there and take the time to take a look around. I often take them for granted as well, that's what we do.
This is so true! Even with nature in general (without snow), people tend to ignore/miss what is right under their noses. As you say, if we just slow down a bit and take the time to look around, we will realize how much we are missing out on. And the best part as you say, it's all free!
I guess the same is for you in SA as well. Looking as an outsider that is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever visited, but on the daily...It is 'just the place where you live'
Sometimes we need to step outside that thought for a bit to find these random things
Absolutely true!