The most beautfiul puppies i've ever seen (ES/EN)

in Liketu2 years ago


Hi Liketu friends, here I want to share some pictures of some puppies and almost a month old that were born from a neighborhood dog. Until a few days ago they were very small, they had not opened their eyes and could not walk, but after a week they have grown surprisingly, they are already moving around exploring the garden, they take shelter under a cardboard sheet and play with each other, they are male (the black with white) and female (the white one) they do not have a name yet. They are very chubby, they look like little pigs because of how round they are and how they move their little tails, their mom is watching them but she doesn't mind if we grab them and play with them, she feels confident.

Hola amigos Liketu, a continuación quiero compartir unas fotografías de unos cachorritos e casi un mes que nacieron de una perrita del vecindario. Hasta hace unos días eran sumamente pequeños , no habían abierto los ojos y no podían caminar, pero al cabo de una semana han crecido sorprendentemente, ya se mueven explorando el jardín, se refugian bajo una lámina de cartón y juguetean entre ellos, son macho ( el negro con blanco) y hembra (la blanca) aún no tienen nombre. Son sumamente gorditos , parecen unos cochinitos por lo redondos y como mueven sus colitas, su mamá está pendiente de ellos pero no le importa que los agarremos y juguemos con ellos, se siente en confianza.

I wonder how fast they will grow, because in a week the difference has been noticeable. For the time being we have to enjoy their softness, because that is what characterizes them, their soft fur and that characteristic puppy smell. It was not easy to take pictures of them, as they often hide under the cardboard when they hear loud noises, but I managed to get some pictures to show you.

Me pregunto que tan rápido crecerán, pues en una semana la diferencia ha sido notoria, Por lo pronto hay que disfrutar de su suavidad, pues eso si los caracteriza, su pelaje suavecito y ese olor a cachorro tan característico. No fue fácil hacerles fotografías, pues con frecuencia se esconden bajo el cartón cuando oyen ruidos estridentes, pero logré algunas fotos para mostrarles a ustedes.

Thank you very much for your attention

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