One more Sunday to remember [ESP - ING]

in Liketu3 months ago


Feliz domingo para todos mi gente bella, espero que puedan estar bien. Hoy comparto con ustedes las fotos del día, como siempre contagiada de la paz y la alegría que se siente cuando tenemos a nuestro lado a personas especiales y amadas.

Happy Sunday to all my beautiful people, I hope you are well. Today I share with you the photos of the day, as always infected with the peace and joy that is felt when we have by our side special and beloved people.

Son ocasiones que bien merecen la pena atesorar y congelar en unas fotos, esas que luego se convierten en hermosos recuerdos que acarician nuestro ser.

These are occasions that are well worth treasuring and freezing in a few photos, those that later become beautiful memories that caress our being.

Por cierto esa ropa que llevo hoy la confeccionamos mi hija y yo, al igual que su vestido estampado en lindas flores.

By the way, the clothes I am wearing today were made by my daughter and me, as well as her dress printed with beautiful flowers.

Me despido con el deseo de que puedan estar descansando y compartiendo en familia y amigos. Hasta pronto y que la bendición de Dios llegue a cada uno de ustedes, cuidense mucho 🫂🫂🫂.

I say goodbye with the wish that you may be resting and sharing with family and friends. See you soon and may God's blessing reach each one of you, take care of yourselves 🫂🫂🫂.

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