Lindas ardillas (Esp/Eng)

in Liketu3 months ago


Tuve la oportunidad de ver varias ardillas en mi lugar de trabajo, ya que alrededor hay varios árboles de mango, aguacate, limon, pino, guaduas y otros más.
Resulta que en el momento es tiempo de cosecha de mangos y aguacates, por lo cual bajan a comer estas lindas ardillas, además de las plantas y semillas aprovechan para guardar alimento para el momento de hibernación.
En esta ocasión logré contar 5 ardillas, aunque solo pude tomarle la fotografía a dos de ellas, las demás estaban en el copo del árbol.

Tengo entendido que muchas personas han querido domesticarlas sin embargo es un animal salvaje, puesto que les gusta trepar árboles y también se alimentan de pequeños pájaros, insectos y urugas.
Su apareamiento suele tarder 1 minuto y su gestación puede tardar entre 38 y 46 días, depende mucho en el tipo de ardilla y al momento de nacer no pueden abrir los ojos, sin pelo, se alimentan de las mamás de la hembra.

Y ustedes han interatuado con estos animales? Déjenme saberlo en los comentarios.


I had the opportunity to see several squirrels in my workplace, as there are several mango, avocado, lemon, pine, guaduas and other trees around.
It turns out that at the moment it is harvest time for mangoes and avocados, so they come down to eat these cute squirrels, in addition to plants and seeds, they take advantage to save food for the time of hibernation.
On this occasion I managed to count 5 squirrels, although I could only take pictures of two of them, the others were in the tree canopy.

I understand that many people have wanted to domesticate them, however they are a wild animal, since they like to climb trees and also feed on small birds, insects and caterpillars.
Their mating usually takes 1 minute and their gestation can take between 38 and 46 days, it depends a lot on the type of squirrel and at the moment of birth they can not open their eyes, hairless, they feed on the female's mommies.

And you have interacted with these animals? Let me know in the comment

Translated with DeepL
Fotos propias: celular Xiaomi Redmi Note 9
Edición: cristianm

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What a beautiful experience you’ve had observing these adorable creatures! 🐿️✨ It’s fascinating how nature always finds a way to thrive around us, especially with all those amazing trees providing food and shelter. Your photos and description really bring the scene to life—those little squirrels must be so lively and fun to watch!

I’ve seen squirrels a few times, but I’ve never had such a close encounter as you describe. It’s also incredible to learn about their habits, especially how they prepare for hibernation. Thank you for sharing such a lovely and educational moment. 💚 Keep enjoying those precious connections with nature! 🌿

It is really fascinating to see them in their habitat, to see how they feed and to see practically the whole family, that day they made a lot of noise and the male was walking like desperate hahaha. How nice to be able to take time to appreciate nature every day. Greetings