[ESP/ENG]Planta ornamental que embellecer tu casa_Ornamental plant to beautify your house

in Liketu2 months ago





Saludos queridos amigos hoy quiero compartir con usted esta planta ornamental que estaba en una casa que visite hoy me llamo mucho la atencion ya que estaba colgando y sus ramas caían hacia abajo y entre sus ramas que caían tenian unas hermosas flores no pude evitar y tomarle unas fotos esta plata es muy bonita para tenerlas al frente de una casa.

Greetings dear friends, today I want to share with you this ornamental plant that was in a house that I visited today. It caught my attention since it was hanging and its branches fell downwards and among its branches that fell they had some beautiful flowers. I couldn't help but take some of them. Photos This silver is very pretty to have in front of a house.