[ESP/ENG]Pensando en la situación del pais_Thinking about the situation in the country

in Liketu2 months ago





Saludos amigos de la comunidad de #liketu hoy por la tarde me bañe me vestir y salir un rato donde la abuela de mi esposa mientra estaba sentado me puse a pensar de la situación de mi pais venezuela pero mientra mas pienso siempre me da indicación ya las cosas mala que hace esta gente es denaciado son personas sin corazón al ver como sufre la gente y como las mata y solo pienso cuando sera el dia que les toque pagar por todo lo malo que hacen, tengo fe que pronto pasara todo esto.

Greetings friends from the #liketu community, today in the afternoon I took a bath, got dressed and went out for a while to my wife's grandmother. While I was sitting I started to think about the situation in my country, Venezuela, but the more I think, it always gives me an indication. The bad things that these people do are disgraceful, they are heartless people when they see how people suffer and how they are killed and I only think about when the day will be that they will have to pay for all the bad things they do, I have faith that all this will soon happen.