Saludos mis queridos amigos, espero que estén muy bien, que estén teniendo una linda noche o día, dependiendo en donde se encuentren; tenemos la dicha de tener a nuestra querida ahijada en nuestro hogar, así que en la primera oportunidad que tuvimos, la llevamos de paseo, a comer deliciosos helados, bueno nosotros también comimos, y nos llevamos la sorpresa que estaba un castillo inflable allí mismo en la heladería, las ganas de jugar de Sophia eran muchas, que dejo la mitad del helado para irse a meter, paso más de una hora saltando, recreando juegos con amiguitas que acababa de conocer, la dejamos que jugara hasta mas no poder; estaba muy contenta, luego pregunto por el helado, pero ya no nos habíamos comido lo que dejo, en el camino se durmió y la llevamos cargada a su cuarto.
Nos encanta tenerla aquí con nosotros, la queremos mucho, ya pronto se ira, pero le prometimos irla a buscar, para dar otro paseo y mejor que el este.
Greetings my dear friends, I hope you are very well, that you are having a nice night or day, depending on where you are; we have the joy of having our dear goddaughter in our home, so the first opportunity we had, we took her for a walk, to eat delicious ice cream, well we also ate, and we were surprised that there was a bouncy castle right there in the ice cream shop, Sophia wanted to play so much, she left half of the ice cream to go inside, she spent more than an hour jumping, recreating games with little friends she had just met, we let her play until she was so happy, she was very happy, then she asked for the ice cream, but we had not eaten the ice cream yet, she was so happy, she asked for the ice cream, but we had not eaten the ice cream yet; She was very happy, then she asked for the ice cream, but we had not eaten what she left, on the way she fell asleep and we carried her back to her room.
We love having her here with us, we love her very much, she will be leaving soon, but we promised to pick her up, for another walk and better than this one.
Photographs of my Property.
Translation made in Deepl.
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Esa historia del helado me causó mucha gracia ja,ja,ja. Excelente que pudieron disfrutar a su ahijada🤗.
Hola amiga, hehe si, se la paso muy bien y nosotros felices por ella; saludos.
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