We don't know what type of problems are bugging you at the moment that you can't manage and that don't motivate you to create new ideas for PGM, but maybe the community can help (if they are not some more personal matter issues)?!
Maybe you just need to ask?! You know, sometimes solutions appear from places and people we would never expect.
For me, nothing usually stops me except for a few situations closely connected to me that arrive all at once, all in the space of a few months, I hope that a great and good news will come along that I've been waiting for quite a while to get my life back in hand because now I'm in a total stalemate where I don't know whether to go forward or backward or stop or start again, I'm really undecided, believe me this thing devastates me, I've never been in a situation like this! However, I can assure the whole community that even if my interest in the PGM project should cease I would not stop running what is already there just out of respect for those who have always believed in less, and I will always be there for those people and will always have interest
We don't know if what we will say would be of some comfort or help to you, but...
We've been in situations we never dreamed could happen to us. Even better, if someone asked us before, we would very confidently say, "It couldn't happen to us!" And then, most likely, we would list all sorts of reasons why it couldn't happen to us. But then, life taught us a lesson! - "There is always a first time for everything," and even more importantly, "never say never!" - It was somewhat of a slam to our previous pride (or, better to say, conceit) and ego.
On the brighter side, we also learned that all these ugly situations and bad happenings came into our lives for a good reason(s). First, to teach us something. (In that sense, try to ask yourself, what are you supposed to learn from this situation? Maybe the answer won't pop up right away. But if you keep seeking that answer, it will reveal itself.)
And the best part we've discovered from such situations in our lives is that they are always happening for some GREATER GOOD. The problem always was that from that point in time (when all the bad and ugly was rolling on or just froze us in shock) we couldn't see or even think of what that greater good might be or even less when and how it would roll out. Being in a situation where you don't see the slightest way out, it's hard to think or even less believe in some greater good that eventually might come out one day in the future from that shit (pardon our language). At least, that's how we felt. - But, despite that, the greater good always arrived after! We also learned the sooner we somehow "accept" (the bad) that happened, started doing (in small steps by step) what we could, and the sooner we started to search for that greater good with longing but strong belief it would arrive, the sooner it would show itself.
Just a short example to paint the picture better. Avoiding going into too many details, about ten years ago, out of the blue, literally overnight, we lost almost everything (everything to the bone) - privately and professionally. The shocking and devastating situation raised thousands of existential and moral questions and dilemmas, all of it "garnished" with panic, all sorts of fears, and "glazed" with a feeling of being completely lost.
It took us a couple of weeks just to awaken from the shock, starting to accept that there is no turnback, no possibility to turn the clock and eventually prepare ourselves, etc. We had what we had, and we can only work with that and go from there (mentally and physically). Remembering the past experiences and lessons learned from them, of a sudden, we realized (someone said it aloud), "For something like that, there must be not only some greater good, there must be some HUGE GREATER GOOD waiting for us!"
That thought became a driving force. - Fast forward... - Three years later, we realized if what happened didn't happen, we wouldn't be forced to change what we were forced to change, and one of us would most likely be dead (literally). - It was just one of the huge greater goods that revealed itself through time.
Sorry for such a long comment/reply!
All we wanted to say is even if you feel like it - you are not alone, and everything you need (no matter what it is), will come your way at the right time - just don't lose hope!
There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. After every storm and rain, there is a beautiful sunshine day. And the greater good as a reward for the pain and suffering exists!