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RE: Why Are Wealthy People Financially Unpredictable?

One can't target the wealthy unless you have a luxury product that deserves the high price tag. Most rich people I know are very careful with every cent. I have a couple second cousins whose father was a billionaire, all self made and he rarely spent lavishly. His wife of course would... But the kids also are very tight with money, their father taught them well.

That guy jacking up the price to target the wealthy, what an idiot...



I also felt the person is stupid to think because people are rich they'll spend their money wasteful. In reality, these guys are actually more tight-fisted than the regular population and I think they were ill-advised.

I had some rich relatives on my mother's side while growing up and these guys hardly spent their money on others. I think it's popular with people who are self-made millionaires

Once my second cousins got their money, they cut off communication with most family. Not wanting to share their fortune, and pursued lawsuits against their father's former girlfriend. Greed at it's finest!