Temptation is one of the most familiar experiences of a Christian or child of God and no one can totally escape from it. Even Jesus Christ was tempted. This is why the Lord taught us to include in our daily prayer the petition; "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." To be tempted is not a sin but to yield to or fall into temptation is a sin. Just as we cannot stop birds from flying over our heads but we can stop them from nesting in our hair so also we cannot stop evil thoughts from passing through our minds. However, we need not accept them or allow them to take a stronghold of us.
Temptation can come from our list and desires. Trying to satisfy our greed or flesh and then end up committing sin in the process. Temptation can come from ungodly friends we keep and their preferences or choices or peer pressure. God is not the source of any temptation. The purpose of any temptation is to test our faith, test our obedience,to determine our sincerity with our confession, to discover the depth of our love for God and loved ones.
It is easy for temptation to arise against you when you're poor or prosperous, when you're discouraged, when you love women, when you have desire for power, if you enjoy pleasure or you have an element of pride in you. Yield not to that temptation, don't fall for it. It's time to begin to take step towards overcoming those temptation that comes your way.-