Happy Day

in Olio di Balena24 days ago

Upon hearing the news that his two sons where dead it never moved him. Could he be expecting that to happen any time soon before now? That may not be far from the truth. He has been a career loving father who placed his career above his family. The children while growing up saw only a little of him. He was scarcely seen because he was rearly available. Though he cared for the family and loved them too but that was not enough to mold an enduring character in a child.

The children could be said to have been raised by themselves and parented on the street and neighborhood. This fact was established by the eventual outcome of the children. They grew to be wayward, unassuming, unsupportive and despise correction. Every attempt made by their father to be there for them now by providing guidance proofed abortive because the character has been formed already. Their father is now ageing and seem to have time for his family by now but it's too late to make the desired change he would have wanted.

The children died ingloriously same day at the same event they both attended. Their ageing father got the wind of the news but was never too surprised at it. It was almost expected but when and how it will happen was the question. It eventually happened and they are no more.