Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Frigid Wolf (Eng/Ita)

in Olio di Balena3 hours ago


Hello to all Splinterlands friends !!!

The number of cards in this game is growing day by day. The Rebellion edition, between the base card deck, Rewards, Promo, and the ones airdropped from Conflicts, has filled the Splinterlands world with a bunch of new monsters to study carefully, which requires a lot of time and testing on the field.

For this reason, I voted against the latest Proposal on the development of a new edition of Conclave Arcana cards soon, which unfortunately, in my opinion, passed with over 90% of the Voting Power. I believe there is a risk of cluttering the game with too many cards at once, and it also causes the older cards to lose value too quickly.

frigid wolf stats.png

Today we are talking about a fairly well-known card from the Rebellion set, which is not even for sale yet because it’s a new Rewards card. To be sold, it needs to be Unbound, and it’s called Frigid Wolf: a Life element monster, costing only 1 mana. At level one, it offers 2 Health, 2 Speed, 1 Melee, and the new Charge ability, which allows Melee monsters to attack from any position against the opponent's Tank.

So, Charge joins Sneak, Reach, and Opportunity to help melee monsters overcome their major limitation of only attacking from the first position.

Let’s see how it performs in one of my battles, at this link: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_b5881e55b57764c0c6767dad4fc5c73b


This time, I decided to focus on a typical Life group team, with General Sloan as the summoner, and the popular Uriel the Purifier in the first position.
I placed Frigid Wolf protected in the fourth position, hoping it could last a bit longer despite its low Health points.

My opponent, on the other hand, brought a Death team to the battle, with 3 Chaos Legion monsters and 3 Rebellion ones, mixing the old with the new.


The showdown between the two main attackers, Cursed Windeku and Uriel the Purifier, was won by the latter, leading my team to victory.

Frigid Wolf performed decently, dealing blows to the opponents that knocked them out, but it lasted too little, only until Round 2, thanks also to the Armored Up ruleset that gave it 2 Armor points in this match.

I think Frigid Wolf is too fragile to compete against heavyweights, so I would relegate it to low-mana battles or with the Little League ruleset, although in battles with Up, Close and Personal it can be a great filler option.

If you want to sign up for Splinterlands, and you haven't done so yet, you can use my referral: https://splinterlands.com?ref=giuatt07

Thanks for your attention and see you next time.

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Ciao a tutti amici di Splinterlands !!!

Il numero delle carte di questo gioco sta, ormai, crescendo di giorno in giorno, l'edizione Rebellion tra il mazzo di carte base, quelle Rewards, Promo e le airdroppate dalle Conflicts, ha riempito il mondo Splinterlands di un sacco di nuovi mostri da studiare attentamente, il che richiede molto tempo e prove sul campo.

Per questo ho votato contro l'ultima Proposal sullo sviluppo, a breve, di una nuova edizione di carte Conclave Arcana, che purtroppo, a mio parere, è invece passata con oltre il 90% del Voting Power: secondo me si rischia di intasare il gioco di troppe carte tutte insieme, ed inoltre si fa perdere valore alle carte più vecchie troppo velocemente.

frigid wolf stats.png

Oggi parliamo di una carta abbastanza conosciuta , nelle carte Rebellion, che attualmente non è nemmeno in vendita, anche perchè si tratta di una nuova Rewards, e per essere venduta deve essere Unbound, e si chiama Frigid Wolf: mostro dell'elemento Life, costa solamente 1 di mana, ed offre, al primo livello , 2 di Health e di Speed, 1 di Melee e la nuova abilità Charge, che da la possibilità ai mostri Melee di attaccare da qualsiasi posizione l'avversario in posizione Tank.

Quindi Charge si aggiunge a Sneak, Reach e Opportunity a dare una mano ai mostri melee nel superare il loro grosso limite intrinseco, quello di poter attaccare solo dalla prima posizione.

Ma vediamo come si comporta in una delle mie battaglie, a questo link: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_b5881e55b57764c0c6767dad4fc5c73b


Questa volta mi sono voluto focalizzare su una squadra tipica del gruppo Life, con General Sloan come evocatore, e il gettonatissimo Uriel the Purifier in prima posizione.
Ho schierato Frigid Wolf protetto in quarta posizione, sperando possa resistere un po' di più nonostante i suoi pochi punti Health.

Il mio avversario, invece, ha portato in battaglia una squadra Death, con 3 mostri Chaos Legion, e 3 Rebellion , mischiando il vecchio con il nuovo.


La sfida tra gli attacanti di punta, delle due squadre, Cursed Windeku e Uriel the Purifier, è stata vinta alla grande da quest'ultimo, che ha portato la mia squadra alla vittoria.

Frigid Wolf si è comportato benino, ha dato delle stoccate agli avversari che li hanno mandati al tappeto, però ha resistito troppo poco, solo al Round 2, grazie anche al ruleset Armored Up che, in questa sfida , gli ha regalato 2 punti Armor.

Credo che Frigid Wolf sia troppo leggero di resistenza per competere conto i pesi massimi , quindi lo relegherei alle sfide a bassissimo mana, o con il ruleset Little League, anche se nelle battaglie con Up, Close and Personal può essere un'ottima opzione di riempimento.

Se volete iscrivervi a Splinterlands , e non lo avete già fatto, potete usare il mio referral: https://splinterlands.com?ref=giuatt07

Grazie dell'attenzione e alla prossima.


@tipu curate

Thanks for sharing! - @zallin

Good Work, thanks for sharing!

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although a new set would affect my a LOT because my deck is mostly Chaos Legion, I think it's for the best for the future of Splinterlands if CL rotates out of modern, it's kind of cheap to play at the max level now and the game isn't designed this way, so because of this, lower level play is less fun, facing a lot of higher decks.
A new set will probably mean I will have to be a silver player again instead of a gold / diamond player at this point.

Nice job! I too voted against more cards, we don't need more to clutter the game. But they want more money so what better way than make more cards to sell?

I've not used Frigid Wolf yet because it's fragile. The one mana is really nice but it's health is lousy along with all of those new one mana legendary cards. You did a great job on that battle, It was lucky the opponent came in with only a level one summoner to make the job easier.

Soon we may have so many cards that it's hard to keep track off them all, and the older cards still are pretty useless in most battles because the new cards are stronger. We already talked about that though...

Great post!