Alcohol is not the problem.

in Olio di Balena2 months ago


There was a particular stage in my life that I consumed a lot of alcohol every day and this was not because of my love for alcohol. It was because the group of people that I was hanging out with influenced me. I was never a great fan of alcohol because I love my peers I indulged them, and I did almost everything that they do, including taking alcohol every day. I had a roommate then when I was in university, he was a lover of alcohol and he introduced me to it, and I can still tell you that it was not a decision that I regret. I loved everything I did with alcohol then but I stopped based on health issues. If I did not have any complications, I probably still be taking alcohol.

Most of the people that we normally took alcohol together in the university were brilliant students and these guys were also good. They are sets of people that I wish we could stay together for the rest of our lives because they are so good, funny, and with good character. One of those things I realize about life is that when you are good, you are good. Most of the things we do are not because of the alcohol we consume. I engage with a lot of alcohol at a time, I can even call myself drunk, but I did not misbehave and I was not a problem to anyone. Alcohol only pushes what you have inside you out not drinking alcohol shouldn’t be the criteria for you to consider to be a good person because we have people who are taking alcohol that are good and this is where people get it wrong.

Alcohol is not the problem

The truth is alcohol is not good for our health and I learned that in a hard way, but most people give up on alcohol for the wrong reasons and not for the right reasons. If you’re giving up alcohol based on the fact that you want to live long and you also want to live to see your kids in good health, These are the kinds of reasons why you should give up alcohol and not for the wrong reasons. When some people see you with alcohol, they do not see someone who is affecting his or her health, all they saw was a bad person. A large percentage of the world's population consumes a lot of alcohol every day and some of these people are good and some of them are also bad.

When some people give up alcohol, they don’t do it for the right reasons. Some people use that excuse to stay away from society, they use that excuse to be antisocial. I know people who have not even taken alcohol in their life and don’t plan to take alcohol but hate those that drink alcohol and it was because they have been brainwashed right from Small that alcohol is for bad people. When you are bad, you are bad, Alcohol doesn’t have anything to do with you being bad. Understandably, you want to stay away from people who take alcohol but don’t make your life miserable in the process. 

It is not compulsory for you to mingle with people who drink alcohol but doesn’t have to make you antisocial

Most of the people that I work out with at the gym with who we normally hang out drink alcohol, but I did not stay away from them. We still go out together, and they all know that I don’t take alcohol and they don’t try to force it on me and we will still always spend quality time together. Even when they’re going out purposely just to drink alcohol I still follow them. I socialize with them and this is not only good for my health by staying with them but socializing with them is also good for my overall health and also my mental health. When some people give up alcohol, they also give up the people that they know with it, which can be dangerous.

It is true that when you are trying to stop taking alcohol you have to stay far away from some of your friends who take it and who might try to influence you to go back to the habit. The mistake most people make is that when they give up alcohol they also give up on people, which makes it very difficult for them to socialize and instead of making new friends that don’t take alcohol, they decide to stay on their own, which later makes their life miserable. This also goes with people that have not taken alcohol before in their lives, Some of these people just give up on people, which makes them antisocial and make them even more worse than people taking alcohol because they are fucked up mentally as well.

Don't be miserable

Food and alcohol are social things and when you decide to stay away from alcohol or certain food, you must be very careful not to make your life miserable in the process. What most people do is believe that they are staying away from alcohol and instead, they are only isolating themselves but you can stop alcohol without isolating yourself. Not drinking should not make you antisocial, what this will do is make your life miserable in the long run and we must be mindful of the way we decide according to this.

Thanks for your time.

Posted Using INLEO


Well, you have a point on letting go for the right reasons and like you said,not just alcohol but some food and in addition bad habits should also be excused.

The challenge about people being antisocial can sometimes be traced to their upbringing while some are linked to experiences.

Imagine a child having a bad childhood experience due to having a drunkard as their dad?

All the same your message is very clear, let go of the habit but not people in general.

Well done 🙌

Experience can play an important role in our decision-making, but no matter how harsh the experience might be we must not allow it to take people away from us. Never allow it to isolate us because it will later create bigger problems.

Very correct, let the past not disrupt the future

Sometimes some people don't even realize that alcohol can impact the health, unless they begin to show symptoms. I have never indulged my friends before, except in the past. When you have a mind of your own, it's difficult for people we like to influence us.