My dCity Journal - Can We Fight The Crime Earlier?

in Olio di Balena3 months ago

Hi Friends, How are you today?

I hope everyone are ok today. As usual I am updating the my dCity game log here. I have been very busy lately, but I have some spare time right now so I will make a quick update about my dCity.

The topic today is CAN WE FIGHT THE CRIME EARLIER?. I pick a funny title again today, because I think it is an interesting topic to be shared here. Anyway I have made many dCity posts, some of them are here:

  1. Lesson 1 : It starts with Tax Refund
  2. Lesson 2 : Farming Young Citizen
  3. LEsson 3 : The Depth of Your Income

My dCity Keeps Getting Problems

I always start my day by checking my rank and my dCity stats. Let's see the rank first.


It looks like my friend, the bastard @arveno is leaving me behind in miles. His income has reached 80 $SIM while mine is dropping to 56 $SIM. The other bozo, @ramadhanight , is higher than me too right now.

It's not them who accelerated fast up above me, but it's more my dCity that keeps falling. I have sold some young citizens and it dropped my income badly.

In this situation, I could just add more cards / NFT that support the INCOME, however rather than doing that quick fixes every week, I prefer to check my dCity and try to prevent any disaster in future. I believe by doing this, I could save more $SIM in long run.

So here is my dCity now:


Everything is under control and I could just pump up my Income by getting more barbershop or buying Economist or other special citizen. However I want to do other thing this time.

What catch my attention is this one:


7% crime rate. This is not big, however this is worrisome. Last month it was sitting on 3%, so it has doubled in 30 days. This is why I set my title today, FIGHT THE CRIME EARLIER. I think I need to get those number lower, or better if I can manage them below 5%.

So let's get this thing done then!

Today Purchase

Our theme today is Crime Fighter, so we need to get a police station. Police station will demand 15 workers, and I only have 2 idle workers. So I need to add more citizens or population in my dCity.


Currently I see Basic Home is offering the lowest value here, 2547 $SIM for 4 population, or around 660 $SIM for a citizen / population. Any number below 700 $SIM is a good one for me, so I take this as a big bargain to add more population of my dCity.

So this is the set I pick for providing a police station in my dCity. 1 Police station and 4 Basic homes for 9791 $SIM:


and this is the notification:


It is expensive due to providing 13 extra workers for the police station. And here what I get after I buy those those cards:


What the hell, my crime rate is still on 7%. It doesn't even budge a little. Damn, I feel like I get scammed here


I know that my police station is working fine right now, and it works 5 times more effective than a GYM and Cinema. But this is the fact. A Police Station can not reduce even for one damn percentage.

If the question Can We Fight The Crime Earlier? The answer is both right, for we can or we can not. In general it should be we can not fight them early on, because it is super duper expensive just to drop down one percentage. However...

If we do not fight Crime early on, and wait them to reach 8%, 9%, 10% or more... it will be like hell to combat that number down. You might need massive $SIM to buy some cards, from policeman, police station, and Court. So I think what I do today, even it doesn't push down any Crime rate, it holds the number from going up this week or next week.

So how do you think about it? Do you agree with me or you think I just make up things to fool myself in order to avoid being dejected spending 9000 $SIM over nothing?


One thing for sure, a single police station won't do anything worthy for your dCity. Anyway feel free to leave any comments below, even a constructive feedback is very welcome here.

and that closes my post today, see you next week...


Thank you for coming by and reading my post here. dCity is a city simulation game on Hive Blockchain. It works based on the second layer Non Fungible Tokens (NFT) on Hive-Engine. Those NFTS represents in-game assets, can be a building, a citizen, a park, a background and many more.

You can dig more about this game on their official account here @dcitygame or you are welcome to join our dCity discord here:


some of the stats and reporting are based on the 24 hr snapshot i think not 100% sure but you may check again tomorrow and see if its any different


the crime increases LoL, I look at the good side, I will have something to share next week

you made your comment before the daily snapshot doe

My city is not working well..Even though the earning is 80 SIM/day

buy more houses, simple as that

mahal anjir