getron cross-posted this post in Crypto & Coffee 3 years ago

Bitcoin Pizza proslava zajednice 22 Maja 🇧 🇧 🇧 Bitcoin Pizza Community Celebration May 22

in BANAT3 years ago
Zašto slavimo 22 Maj?Why do we celebrate May 22?
Šta je to Bitcoin Pizza dan, i zašto Bitcoin zajednica slavi 22-og Maja?What is Bitcoin Pizza Day, and why is the Bitcoin community celebrating May 22nd?


Pa, hajde da idemo malo u istoriju:Well, let's go back in history:
Naime, 2010 godine, 22-og Maja, čovek po imenu Laszlo Hanyecz, po prvi put u istoriji Bitcoin-a, zabeležena je prva kupovina fizičke robe putem Bitcoin-a.

Tada, ovaj čovek je hteo da se uveri, dali je uopšte moguće kupiti bilo šta sa Bitcoin-om, a pošto je bio (najverovatnije) miner (rudar) Bitcoin-a, a nagrada za svaki pronađeni blok je tada bila 50 Bitcoin-a, svakih 10 minuta, imao je Bitcoin-a na pretek, pa se tako odlučio da pokuša, bilo šta kupiti sa Bitcoin-om.
Namely, on May 22, 2010, a man named Laszlo Hanyecz, for the first time in the history of Bitcoin, recorded the first purchase of physical goods via Bitcoin.

At the time, this man wanted to see if it was possible to buy anything with Bitcoin at all, and since he was (most likely) a miner of Bitcoin, the reward for each block found at the time was 50 Bitcoins. , every 10 minutes, he had Bitcoin in abundance, so he decided to try, buy anything with Bitcoin.


Papa John's PizzaPapa John's Pizza
Pošto je hteo da proba kupiti Pizzu iz Pizzerije koje je voleo, a to je bila Pizzeria Papa John's, nazvao i pitao dal je moguće platiti Pizzu Bitcoin-om. Naravno, tada nije bilo moguće, i rekli mu da je to nemoguće.

Ne odustajući od ideje i želje kupiti Pizzu Bitcoin-om, seo za kompjuter, ušao na sajt, i nudio je 10'000 Bitcoin-a, kome god mu bude doneo 2 Pizze.

Mladi Jeremy Sturdivant, koji je tada imao 19 godina, prihvatio je atraktivnu ponudu, i svojim đeparcem, kupio je 2 Pizze iz Papa John's pizzerije, koje su ga koštale oko $41 i odneo je Laszlo do stana.

Naravno, Laszlo mu je platio Bitcoin-om, naime, 10'000 Bitcoin-a.

Laszlo je bio jako zadovoljan, i od radosti jer je uspeo da kupi, po prvi put nešto fizičko, odgovorio je u rečima: "Ta pizza izgleda ukusno! Preslatko dete. (Emoji sir)".

Isto tako je kasnije dodao u blogu, da je voljan platiti svaki put po 10'000 Bitcoin-a za buduće isporuke pizze.
Since he wanted to try to buy Pizza from the Pizzeria he loved, and that was Pizzeria Papa John's, he called and asked if it was possible to pay for Pizza with Bitcoin. Of course, it was not possible then, and they told him, this is impossible.

Not giving up on the idea and desire to buy Pizza with Bitcoin, he sat down at a computer, entered the site, and offered 10,000 Bitcoins to whomever he brought him 2 Pizzas.

Young Jeremy Sturdivant, then 19, accepted the attractive offer, and with his pocket money, he bought 2 Pizzas from Papa John's Pizzeria, which cost him about $ 41, and took Laszlo to the apartment.

Of course, Laszlo paid him with Bitcoin, namely, 10,000 Bitcoins.

Laszlo was very pleased, and out of joy because he managed to buy, for the first time, something physical, he replied in with the words: "That pizza looks delicious! Sweet child. (Emoji cheese)".

He also later added in a blog post that he is willing to pay 10,000 Bitcoins each time for future pizza deliveries.


10 hiljade Bitcoin-a10 thousand Bitcoins
Ova slika, Laszlo i njegove familije, koja je slikana nakon isporuke je verovatno jedna od najvećih prekretnica u priči o Bitcoin-u.

Zamislite 10'000 Bitcoin-a, sa današnjom cenom Bitcoin-a!!! Na stotine miliona dolara vrednost.

Ali, eto, ko bi rekao, da za 10-12 godina, bude to 6 cifrenu milionsku vrednost.

Zato, zajednice Bitcoin-a iz celog sveta, slave ovaj dan, 22 Maj, kao znak, kad je Bitcoin počeo imati pravu vrednost, i njime se nešto uspešno kupilo, naime, Pizza.
This picture, of Laszlo and his family, which was taken after delivery, is probably one of the biggest turning points in the story of Bitcoin.

Imagine 10,000 Bitcoins, with today's price of Bitcoin !!! Hundreds of millions of dollars worth.

But, who would say that in 10-12 years, it will be a 6-digit million value.

Therefore, Bitcoin communities from all over the world celebrate this day, May 22, as a sign, when Bitcoin began to have real value, and it successfully bought something, namely, Pizza.

Pouka iz svega ovoga:The lesson from all this:
Nemojte nikad proceniti vrednost Kripto tehnologije, jer, nikad se nezna, gde nas putevi vrednosti vode.Never evaluate the value of Crypto technology, because you never know where the paths of value lead us.