Buying a Private Property in Metaverse!!!

in Crypto & Coffee3 years ago



The Metaverse trend is not something new and exists for a long time with the game Second Life. However, is centralized and owned by a private corporation.

In the meantime, people invest in virtual property instead of purchasing a veritable house.

Personally, it is totally crazy!

If you have the chance to buy a house over a virtual property in a game.

I will definitely choose a real one. At least you can sleep on it, prepare your food, and even work today with the pandemic.

A metaverse fan

I just read an article that mentioned that a metaverse fan purchased a virtual property for $300000.

At this price, I will go all-in in a real one and never follow this guy's strategy!

Maybe it will hit the jackpot, but you need to have a big tolerance for risk.

In this world, we have big risk-takers!!!


Metaverse brings innovative games like Sandbox and Decentraland where you have the concept of ownership.

You can purchase private plots in those games and maybe make a small profit along the way.
