Day 28 - How the heck do you dream journal?

in NaJoPoMo5 months ago

 "NaJoPoMo 24 - Day 28.JPG"

I have vivid dreams that often play out like a movie. I thought it's be smart to keep a journal by my bed to write down these dreams. Maybe I'd capture some secret wisdom or have an idea for my next story. But have you ever tried to write bleary eyed and half asleep in the middle of the night?

All I ended up with was scribbles like that Seinfeld episode where Jerry writes down a joke he thinks is brilliant while he's falling asleep. He spends the whole episode trying to read his own hand writing. I tried typing one in my phone notes and ended up with a jumble of words that made no sense. I can only guess freakin auto correct stepped in and tried to help.

I'm sure I'm using the term dream journal wrong, but I'm curious if anyone has a method or tips for recording dreams.

Day 28: National Journal Posting Month - completed√


I forget my dreams soon after waking up. Mrs says I laugh in my sleep. There are a few dreams I remember have some really dumb characters. They are hilarious.

Why not try recording your dream with the Voice Memos app?

Seems to me that the Voice Memos app was made for this situation.