Day 17 - Starting a new journal with a warning

in NaJoPoMo5 months ago

 "NaJoPoMo 24 - Day 17.JPG"
I've only got a few more pages left in my current journal. It's not enough to finish this month's challenge so I'm setting up a new one to take over.

I always start a new journal by filling out the name and date. When I finish a journal I go back to the first page to add the end date before putting it away. Then I add my warning to the very next page after my name.

It's my standard, Enter at Your Own Risk, message in case someone decides to snoop. Here's the warning they will find:

The words in this journal do not always represent the truth. This journal is not meant for you or anyone other than the author. Emotions, ranting, odd ramblings, and dreams fill these pages. Enter at your own risk and peril. The author is not liable for any effects caused by these pages. You have been warned.

How do you use the first few pages of a new journal?

Day 17: National Journal Posting Month - completed√


Whoa! That's a serious warning, but also somewhat enticing. Personally I'm not a fan of reading anyone's private thoughts. I certainly wouldn't want anyone reading my private thoughts. There should be some sort of code we all follow when it comes to journals.

I think fellow journalers abide by the no snooping rules. This is for the normies.

Sort of makes me think of how back in the day diaries had a lock and key on them. Something like this one I found on Amazon comes to mind.

Screenshot of purple diary with lock and key from Amazon.png
Screenshot of diary with lock and key from the above referenced link of item listed on Amazon.