
in THE 2020s3 months ago (edited)

Finished season 1 of Before starring Billy Crystal. FNT covered the 2025 WB Superman teaser. Super Man wouldn't be any stronger growing up on earth than an astronaut who loses bone density in space due to the lack of gravity, it would be more believable if Clark Kent left Krypton as a man so his muscles could develop on a heavier planet and over time Clark would lose strength living on earth or he would have to have a super weight-lifting gym on the North Pole near Santa Claus just in time for Christmas.

I understand the theory is Kal-El is born with a stronger body than that of humans but still it might be that Superman's dad would be stronger than Superman simply because he grew up under the gravity of Krypton; or does Superman's strength have anything to do with the kind of sun or suns or stars Krypton has as opposed to the kind of sun we humans have on earth?

Finished season 1 of Before starring Billy Crystal; 2 classes; videos: Crazy what I got everybody in my Discord Server for Christmas 2024 which was they can see the log channels video, Oatmeal auditions for the 2025 WB Superman movie video; watched: Nerdrotic - SUPERMAN Drops, Disney Cuts WOKENESS? Hollywood DEI is DEAD | Friday Night Tights 333 Little Platoon, Before 107-110, Nerdrotic - SUPERMAN Drops, Disney Cuts WOKENESS? Hollywood DEI is DEAD | Friday Night Tights 333 Little Platoon, Piers Morgan - “Box Office CANCER” Harry & Meghan FLOPS! Disney BACKTRACKS! Hollywood IN DECLINE, Tucker Carlson - Jenner Furst: Secret Chinese Biotech Programs, and the Documentary That Could Put Dr. Fauci in Jail


Screenshot at 2024-12-21 17-49-20.png
Nerdrotic on Piers Morgan

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-12-21 - Saturday | Published in December of 2024


Discord Screenshot at 2024-09-01 00-04-34.png

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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-12-21 - Saturday - 12:44 AM - Discord Log

1083/ How the server got raided Thursday, the 19th of December 2024, part 1, first main activity was at 01:09 AM PT, Andru gave Kam what is now the reaction role and I think was formally called the kitten role which may have had unintended special powers. 1084/ How the server got raided part 2, Lil Andru at recursion._. at ID 1108076112979955733, probably had the kitten role and timeout @ CJR at 1:20 AM for seven days, this was 11 minutes after giving Kam the kitten role or whatever. 1085/ Part 3, that same minute at 1:20 AM my time as Andru was giving somebody a timeout, Kam at kamchiko, ID 975210961600409600, who joined this server on the 18th of July of 2023, Kam was giving lachsic a timeout, meaning they were giving people timeouts at the same time. 1086/ Part 4, let's backup, Andru also gave like the kitten role to jollyreice at reiceyy. at ID 1256910584822370335 at 01:09 AM which was the same minute Andru gave the same role to Kam as well meaning those 3 accounts had that same role at the start of their raid of the server. 1087/ Part 5, that same minute those 3 accounts had that role, Kam deleted 43. Borg at 01:09 AM. 1088/ Kam deleted Elves at 01:09 AM; after that, jollyreice deleted gods-prison during the next minute at 01:10 AM. 1089/ Part 7, they continued deleting roles; Andru deleted the main base role which is the 00. Prison role during that same minute of 01:10 AM. 1090/ Part 8, those 3 accounts continued deleting many roles at 01:10 AM and jollyreice deleted builders during the next minute at 01:11 AM. 1091/ Part 9, they continued deleting many roles during the minute of 01:11 AM and then Andru deleted the gods role that same minute, Andru must have had a role above gods and one of his roles had role management permission which lets you delete roles. 1092/ Part 10, They continued deleting roles at 01:11 AM and then Kam deleted Hawk Tuah which it would have been better if Kam deleted the alleged scam the hawk tuah meme coin allegedly had it seems which allegedly caused people to lose alleged money. 1093/ Part 11, They continued deleting roles and then Andru muted the Lawyers in general chat so they could not send messages there that same minute of 01:12 AM. 1094/ Part 12, They continued deleting roles and then Andru muted the highest role in the server other than me being 86. Owners in general chat at 01:12 AM meaning Andru had the ability to modify channel permissions for roles higher than his own which makes Discord retarded. 1095/ Part 13, they continued deleting roles and then Kam changed the name of the pervert role to Hubert Family Guy. 1096/ Part 14, They continued deleting roles and then jollyreice changed the nickname of fujiitive from Fujitiveotron9000 to i fuck little kids at 01:15 AM. 1097/ Part 15, Kam gave iskeeee a timeout at 01:17 AM. 1098/ Part 16, Kam continued giving people timeouts and then Andru gave fugitive a timeout during that same minute of 01:17 AM. 1099/ Part 17, Andru and Kam continued putting people in timeout and then jollyreice gave closertocairo a timeout as well at 01:18 AM meaning all three of them were giving people timeouts. 1100/ Part 18, They continued timing out people and then Andru gave Caddy the role Hubert Family Guy at 01:18 AM. 1101/ Part 19, the last thing they did according to the quark log before I arrive was at 01:36 AM which they started the raid at 01:09 AM meaning it only took these weirdos 27 minutes to get exhausted from trying to nuke the Oatmeal World Discord Server. 1102/ Part 20, First thing I did according to the quark-log was at 02:01 AM meaning 27 minutes after their raid which was oddly 27 minutes long which there are 27 books in the New Testament of the Bible. 1103/ Part 21/ I removed the super mods role from andru which that role had another name but then I renamed it to super mods. 1104/ Part 22, I also removed the reaction role from Andru and reaction was another role I changed its name. 1105/ Part 23, I removed the hell role from howard just in case Howard was involved in the raid which I see no evidence he was but at the time I was trying to cover all my bases as I was fresh to a crime scene. 1106/ Part 24, I removed role management from wizards and sith. 1105/ Part 25, I removed role management permission from warlocks and dark apprentices. 1106/ Part 26, I removed role management from judges and yvule's right hand at 2:11 AM which my birthday is 2/11. 1107/ Part 27, I was removing role management from roles that shouldn't have had that permission and that included the Hubert Family Guy role which over 200 accounts had this role meaning they all had the power to delete roles. 1108/ Part 28, Since many roles got deleted, the first role I made in my attempt to rebuild the server was the verify role which I made at 02:28 AM which was 79 minutes after the raid started at 01:09 AM. 1109/ Part 29, I changed the name to the Andru Special role yesterday at 08:28 AM to Super Mods. 1110/ Part 30, looks like jollyreice deleted the kitten role at 01:11 AM meaning that kitten role might not have been the thing that enabled the raid. 1111/ Part 31, I renamed the meow role to the reaction role. 1112/ Part 32, according to the carl-log, the meow role was given the role management permission back on the 26th day of September of 2024 as seen in this screenshot, this might be the origin of the raid which came almost 3 months later in December, meow Role ID: 1287646412841947198. 1113/ Part 33, The meow role, ID 1287646412841947198, was created by mickey @ mivkey, user ID 1044384940260855828, at 10:27 PM PT on the 22nd day of September of 2024 just four days before that same meow role got role management permission. 1114/ Part 34, Mickey at Mivkey joined at 01:18 PM, the 30th day of May of 2024. 1115/ Part 36, was Magnus part of the raid, why did he add the NSFW role to mivkey at 04:49 PM on the 3rd of June of 2024? 1116/ Part 37, Why did Magnus give mivkey the developers role back on the 3rd day of June of 2024? 1117/ Part 38, many accounts are connected to criminals, Alliana is correct in that Berry probably gave mivkey role management powers assuming Berry ever had the power and at least some accounts had a lot of power at times. 1118/ Merry Christmas to the greatest Discord Server ever, Oatmeal World, my present to you this Christmas 2024 is access to log channels so you can do whatever you want with the Discord Files. 1119/ Roy is online right now. 1120/ RIP the Hubert Family Guy role. 1121/ People are thrown in prison by default when they join the server and I try to throw everybody into this base prison role because most people who join the server are either trolls or children or destructive or something totally insane, usually the wrong people end up coming. 1122/ I prefer having roughly 100 main mod roles numbered and with capital letters, the Overlords is currently at role number 79 as seen in this screenshot; it's challenging as most servers probably have an average of less than five mod roles but I made almost 100 mod roles. 1123/ I prefer having roughly five to ten roles per grade or group of roles, I prefer having around ten to twelve grades meaning potentially and possibly 120 main roles or I may want less than 100 official roles for the main hierarchy scheme in the server. 1124/ Anybody can join the server and look at the log channels to see why the hamburgers and fries account is still in the dungeon but most people are too broken to care as most people in the server are demonic trolls who should learn how to grow up but they might not.

Twitter Tweets

05:29 PM

Super Man wouldn't be any stronger growing up on earth than an astronaut who loses bone density in space due to the lack of gravity, it would be more believable if Clark Kent left Krypton as a man so his muscles could develop on a heavier planet and over time Clark would lose strength living on earth or he would have to have a super weight-lifting gym on the North Pole near Santa Claus just in time for Christmas

I understand the theory is Kal-El is born with a stronger body than that of humans but still it might be that Superman's dad would be stronger than Superman simply because he grew up under the gravity of Krypton; or does Superman's strength have anything to do with the kind of sun or suns or stars Krypton has as opposed to the kind of sun we humans have on earth?

05:45 PM
I disagree with the need for term limits, that's more a symptom of bigger issues

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Before 107-110

2024-12-21 - Saturday - 04:06 AM - Before 107-110

It is like the boy thinks he is Benjamin, they take him to his house where he plays his favorite record, his brother cries. He goes to the farmhouse. He ends up in the hospital. He said he killed his wife. They tricked the mom into signing away her rights over her own son away to the state. They were afraid of water, it is where the boy died in that lake when he was a girl in a former life, he jumped in with the boy breaking the bond and the boy reverted back to being just a boy. Billy had to go through recovery after that. His grand daughter said his dead wife said listen, the last episode was the best, it looks like this tenth episode is the last of the series and that there won't be a second season as the story resolved itself completely at the end.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

03:48 AM
Nerdrotic - SUPERMAN Drops, Disney Cuts WOKENESS? Hollywood DEI is DEAD | Friday Night Tights 333 Little Platoon

Before 107-110

2024-12-21 - Saturday - 04:06 AM - Before 107-110

12:30 PM
Nerdrotic - SUPERMAN Drops, Disney Cuts WOKENESS? Hollywood DEI is DEAD | Friday Night Tights 333 Little Platoon

05:31 PM
Piers Morgan - “Box Office CANCER” Harry & Meghan FLOPS! Disney BACKTRACKS! Hollywood IN DECLINE!

09:05 PM
Tucker Carlson - Jenner Furst: Secret Chinese Biotech Programs, and the Documentary That Could Put Dr. Fauci in Jail

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed around 6 AM. Awoke around 11:50 AM. Crazy dreams including being in the trailer park I grew up in, Larry driving me around there, I think it was Larry, he drove me around in the trailer park in I think a car, I ended up in a building with an elevator, I was on different floors, felt like I was getting lost, maybe they were making illegal weed on one of the floors, I was like going to try to get a job there, maybe not doing weed, not sure what, next thing I know, we are on a bus and it is going from downtown FG towards Hillsboro and I wanted to get off so I can walk to my home, space 163. But had to ask them where my shoes were, some of them were from that building who were introducing themselves, they were like going to a work thing somewhere, I was thinking of coming but then wanted off the bus to go home and I might have said a few things to them about myself, I think they helped me find my shoes which were probably had the shoe laces tangled up with each other. I had to try to deal with that, the bus already passed my house, I think I was getting off the bus but then woke up the end. RV. Crazy what I got everybody in my Discord Server for Christmas 2024 which was they can see the log channels video. Talk to mom about the Lion King we saw in 1994 and this prequel movie she saw with Larry yesterday which she liked, she is watching that UK male town doctor show today. I had to restart my PC. Breakfast: 12:50 AM. Dishes around 02:30 PM for an hour including mom getting mad hearing music of a show or movie which must have auto played from an app on the TV in the living room, she was watching her UK male doctor show still on a random app on the television, while I was watching the dishes Larry came home and wanted to waste money on getting me a real haircut from a real barber he said which is a waste of money which he does not have a lot of money but he pretends he does even as this house only has one bathroom, mom thinks it must be a commercial, I said no, mom was like are people dancing, no, mom said mute the TV, I did, then I clicked the guide button on the remote to see what we were watching and the TV switched from the app to the cable television stations, mom got mad because it would mean she would have to take the time to find her place again in the app, I said I didn't do anything as the damage was already done in my mind, Larry yelled, "Stop it." That is what he usually says sometimes. He says it to himself, to people, and even dogs. I said to mom that is why I don't talk in the house as we might be too Italian or New York for Larry to handle the passion fighting in how we talk. But even mom could not handle me. I pressed the guide button assuming Larry took the TV off the app and back to the cable. I should have done nothing or press a back button or something. So I was wrong but I really wanted to know what it was, the actor being LL Cool J the singer rapper who mom would know from NCIS which mom watched. I tried saying NCIS but ended up saying NSA or CIA or something like NSI or something random. Mail. Back here around like 03:40 PM. Lunch: 04:28 PM. Dishes again a little. Shower. Oatmeal auditions for the 2025 WB Superman movie video. Dinner: 09:00 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 12:50 AM. Lunch: lettuce yogurt salad was okay but a little off, 04:28 PM. Tea. Nuts. Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 5 pieces of the Red Bird handcrafted candy cane like balls from the plastic container full of them in the front garage, 09:00 PM. 2024-12-21 - Saturday - 09:26 PM - 2 classes, 2 hours, Pham, Thao. 1. ChinhPham0405: Son Class 0231: 2024-12-21 - Saturday - 09:26 PM. Pages 070-071 Wanted Large Biscuit Tin. Fancy seeing you here. It's no use to try it. Turn yellow or become a scared cat. By the way. Wimpy, book 3, page 164-223 on the website. Withdrawal, feeling bad without an addiction. Kind of neat or kind of cool. Wasp is like a bee. Girl Thao Nguyen of Chinh Pham Class 0004: 2024-12-21 - Saturday - 10:29 PM. Pages 018-019 Double Life of Alfred Bloggs. Drawing. Music. She is about 11 now, she started practicing piano when she was 9. Shopping. Welcoming. Anime. Christmas. Egg nog. Egg nog is a milk egg drink that is very sweet. Cheese Cake. She studied at VUS for 6 years. Chicken rice and fish rice. Talking in Vietnamese is like singing a song.


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